Same and honestly that sucks. I wish I could >:3 irl too.
Same and honestly that sucks. I wish I could >:3 irl too.
You’re probably right, then my link is probably bootleg or a random reseller, mb. Not sure if it’s this one, but there is an official English seller with stock now
Fumos were very hard to get in the west for 12 years.
He said that for subscriptions to be more popular, people need to be “more comfortable with not owning their games”. People always forget the first part, if you take the whole quote, he’s right.
He didn’t say he wanted that to happen. But he probably do, so fuck Ubisoft and him.
I just don’t like how the whole internet built a narrative around an out of context quote.
That was a quick comparison with white supremacy, veganism isn’t nearly as important as that.
Vegans are not special. It’s like if I had the same nationality as someone, do you really need to call out someone from the US that shit on European (assuming you are from the US) ? Maybe, maybe not, some do, some don’t. Same for veganism.
I assumed he meant vegan aren’t calling out extremists enough, obviously there are vegans calling out other vegans if that’s what you want. I searched “militant are bad for veganism” and found this article that list a few vegans that are against militant.
(I did not check further on theses accounts btw, if they changed their mind since that doesn’t mean there are no better example).
And I never wanted to say most vegans agree with extremists. Theses assholes are ruining veganism image. Without them people would hear vegan and think about nature, saving animals, saving the evironnement. But right now they only think about 30 years old Karen screaming at them for no reason calling people murderer and so on.
Because it’s not a community. It’s millions of random people that have nothing to do with each other and thus don’t see the loud minority or feel the need to correct them. Of course you can create small group out of them, like the vegans of twitters, but they do not represent the many 60 yo Asians that just don’t eat meat.
That’s a small but loud minority.
You’re reading to much into it.
“Consequential cost to health and environnement” of nuclear if higher that coal ? Wtf, in what world ?
Coal is more radioactive than nuclear plant, and that’s the lesser issue, between air polution, plant burning, and the effect of that much co2 being released, that can’t be true.
Either it’s bullshit or I missunderstood the graph.
France also had to close a nuclear plant because of germany, it was close to the frontier so created political tensions with germany.
But France also have a strong anti nuclear lobby, so it’s hard to build more nuclear sadly.
Best manga I’ve ever read
I moved from europe to canada, and they actually eat that thing. I tried in europe before, and the authentic here it’s just as bad
That was the point of the picture …
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