UK colonialism killed 100 million in India. Six million children die from poverty in capitalist countries every year. Don’t give me your “muh communist regime” talk.
UK colonialism killed 100 million in India. Six million children die from poverty in capitalist countries every year. Don’t give me your “muh communist regime” talk.
Hi, I’m very leftist. Yet somehow the only people who agree with me are also well-off Westerners.
Because the Tsar and the Chinese warlords and Battista and Imperial Japanese occupation where pillars of democracy before those countries’ revolutions. Also like 90% of Chinese citizens are happy with their government, vs a sad 20% of Americans.
Ya like it mentioned CIA propaganda and Western aggression. Like is this guy a communist who’s pro Western fuckery???
Hey transphobe, everyone irl fucking hates you. Think before you say hateful shit.
Pre revolution, those countries were utter basket cases. Post revolution, they brought land reform (broke up massive land holdings and gave them to the landless), ended their high illiteracy, and brought in much better health care and human services. And they do it despite the West sanctioning, sabotaging, and trying to destroy them anyway possible.
Literally any anti communist story coming out of the West has HUGE provable lies and exaggerations, and it always has massive obvious fascists claiming it. Go ahead, name one “oh but the USSR did…” and I’ll show you a story of academic fraud and some guy that thought that Hitler wasn’t that bad.