OK, weird since it’s not the same thing?
First I heard was driving while black, because black people are stopped 10 times more frequently than whites. I know the term.
I was just pointing out that being racist and discriminating based on color is de facto illegal, while doing x while black is not.
Oh boy, you are probably right.
it takes a while to fix
This is reality I know, but it’s unacceptable, this kind of racism needs to be punished harder, to make racists understand their behavior is unacceptable.
Yes, and being a banker and policeman while racist, which is actually illegal. Being black remains legal despite Republicans best efforts.
USA is an extremely scary place, especially for people of any color other than white.
No, I know this happens, I just don’t get how the amateur hour process is allowed to continue?
But how do they “assume” this? And why does the police accept it without any evidence?
I mean the amateurish incompetence is staggering.
Isn’t it normal procedure to deposit the check until it’s cleared?
I don’t get it, how does depositing a check become a police matter?
PS: It says cash first and deposit further down, I’m assuming deposit must be the correct part.
Edit: PPS. I know there is racism and this happens in USA, but the amount of amateur hour from the Banks procedure, to the people working there and the police responding to a non issue is mind numbing for a person coming from Denmark, where banks are run professionally, and the police almost is too.
According to Anders Åslund, a former Atlantic Council senior fellow, Sullivan has advised Zelenskiy not to try to recapture Crimea or to strike the Kerch Bridge that connects the occupied peninsula with Russian territory. Sullivan’s apparent reasoning is that this may spark a nuclear war.
Like an idiot saying: Let’s not poke the bear, better to just give them what they want. Also it’s Russian rhetoric.
Kyiv, however, does not agree and frequently targets Crimea.
Go Ukraine, giving in to a bully only encourages it.
I’ve always just seen 1939 as the beginning of WW2, and I’ve never seen it questioned since I learned about it in school in the 70’s. But maybe it’s seen different in Asia. And yes we also learned about the truce that was forced on the Germans, so that’s been taken into account all along. It’s still WWI and WW2, not WWI 1914-1945.
Maybe, but the traditional view is 1939.
Yes WW2 started in 1939, and Pearl Harbor was in december 1941. So it took 2 years for USA to get involved. But USA was such a massive influence, because their industrial output was without comparison bigger than anything else in the world. It was bigger than Europe combined. USA was also a major factor in keeping the trans Atlantic traffic open, and defeating the German submarines. D-Day would have been impossible without USA, as USA was the biggest force. USA also suffered the most losses in operation overlord, with almost twice the casualties and killed as UK. All that is apart from doing by far the most in the effort against Japan.
It’s denigrating to the American effort to call that waltzing in.
That’s not a new look, that’s the same look as all the other looks.
Don’t IE, not so relevant as it used to be. 😋
No I don’t have a source, it’s what my German teacher claimed. So maybe not an unbiased source?
Funny though German has the more complex rules on the surface, English becomes the more complicated when counting all the exceptions.
Well I cannot say what’s common in USA, but the literal meaning of cash seems to me to be getting literal cash in your hand. While deposit is to deposit it into an account, for withdrawal later, like when the check is cleared.
I’m guessing if people use those terms interchangeably, they are in error half the time.
IDK practices in USA, but here some checks can be cashed immediately when they are from trusted parties, like a bankers check, but AFAIK you still need to have an account with the bank to cash it.
That said both cash and checks are extremely rare here now, almost everything and everybody have gone electronic.
Paying cash above about 8K USD or 50k DKK is actually illegal now, to prevent money laundering.