Now it’s all just done for… idk
Money. This is capitalism. The answer is money.
I know which city used to be Constantinople, thanks to They Might Be Giants!
I received the offer on my 16 year old Reddit account, but not on another account I have that’s more like 12. Not sure if they went by account age or activity or what.
I did not try to get in on the IPO (or pre-IPO.)
I can see this being an on-again/off-again situation for a long time. When Rs are in power they’ll remove it, and when Ds are in power they’ll restore it. We need something like this to be enshrined in the law of the land, but more and more it feels like that isn’t ever going to be possible as everything will be open to re-interpretation forever.
Every time I hear people worried about the robot uprising, I remember the time Google Location couldn’t figure out what method of transportation I was using for 2 and a half hours between the Santa Ana, CA airport and the Denver, CO airport.
There is no content on Reddit valuable enough that I would pay for access to it.