It’s not just teens doing. There are full grown adults being audio assholes all over the place.
It’s not just teens doing. There are full grown adults being audio assholes all over the place.
Isn’t it actually a precision driving technique to break with your left foot? Or isnthat just something I accidentally made up in my head?
I had a partner once who sat straight up in bed and announced, “Somesone else is in here.” They then promptly fell back asleep…me, not so much…
Most of Gen Zs slang makes sense and you can easily figure it out from context. It even sounds better than older slang in conversation. Skibidi is an exception. W.T.F is that supposed to mean? Is it a verb? An adjective? Both? It sounds dumb and seems to mean nothing…
A huge chunk of their force is also released criminals who are very likely to run if given half the chance. The remaining force are Russian conscripts who are probably not running only because their families are effectively being held hostage back in Russia.
That makes sense, we used pine where I was on the east coast but the company I wad working for would definitely have gone for thebcheaper option.
I’ve been out of homebuilding for a while but we’re I was we largely used SYP and our SPF was all pine. Perhaps that was just the region I was in though.
Out of pure curiosity does anyone know where “new growth fir” lumber is the typical building material? In the US most homes are built using Pine but that can’t be true everywhere.
I picked this up in a airport years ago. I agree it’s probably not the best anthropology book (not that I’ve read a bunch of anthropology books). But it is a very easy book to understand and an easy read which many science books arguably are not. I think that alone makes this a valuable book because it easily delivers the concept of past environmental influence on the evolution of groups. It may not be perfect but it’s readable for us normal non-sciency people and that gives us a fighting chance to ask ourselves some important questions about how we see the world.
Originally the VP was whoever got the second most votes. Then the 13th Ammendment happened. Now in most states (all states) the President and VP run as a pair but the Electoral Delegates vote for them separately.
Can the delegates vote for one and not the other? Depends. Traditionally you cast your delegate vote according to the results so you’d vote along “ticket” lines. In some states delegates ( who are often put forward by the parties) are bound to vote according to the election results. In some states they are not. Traditionally they do but as we saw last US election we aren’t even pretending to be doing sane things anymore.
A lot of places are using a third party to handle online payments a d they are trying to pass on the cost of that to the payee.
B. Is Dahmer
It’s used to deter pests so just spray some around your property and report the rest stolen.
That’s also $15 with the option of every topping known to man ,and if you do add sides theyre enough for a meal on their own.
So most places online that sell sex toys have very innocent names that they bill you under. They will often list it as “you will see this charged to innocent-sounding-name” so that you don’t accidentally assume it’s fraud on your statement.
But it’s listed as a condo, that typically doesn’t give you land ownership. Or is OR law different on that?
Is this some sort of weird “for legal reasons we had to post it but we don’t actually want anyone to put in an offer” type things?
Like with the super specific H1B job postings designed so that only 1 person (preselected) is likely to qualify. But they had to post it because it’s a government policy.
I guess I’m asking how this is helping someone avoid some sort of fee/tax on $169,000?
Edit: Guys condos don’t always come with land ownership which is why I thought something was dodgy here. Does anyone know if condos in Oregon include the land under them?
Doesn’t that one also present a problem for the popular knitting theory? Aren’t the holes supposed to show the finger size or something? (I’m not positive, as a knitter this seems really unusual for knitting).
I always assumed they were for a game. Why have a different face on most of the sides if they werent some sort of dice like game piece?
Honestly though I’m glad archeologists went with “mittens” rather than their old standby “human sacrificing sex cult worship”.
Edit: fuck spelling is hard
That sounds like a user error issue. I use windows at home and work and I also haven’t seen a blue screen in years.