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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Gotcha. Yes, I didn’t get to see the original comment.

    I never, at any point, said that only sex mattered in medicine. I said they were distinct. I doubt it was your intention to do so, but you’re putting words in my mouth. Please don’t represent me.

    TBF I did state quite explicitly that that was my own interpretation of your statement, not what you had literally said, because I couldn’t think what else you meant by that expression (possibly because of the missing context.)

    I apologise for any hurt I have caused and will edit my previous comment, so as not to misconstrue yours.

    showing that ‘male’ and ‘female’ are more akin to general groupings, with a degree of overlap, than any actual dichotomy

    I totally agree.

  • Borger@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    1 month ago

    Sex and gender are still entirely distinct when it comes to medical science, psychology, neuroscience, etc.

    Not really. Binary trans people’s brains have been shown to more closely mirror the brains of people who were assigned their gender at birth, rather than the gender the trans person was assigned at birth. So trans women’s brains mirror those of cis women more closely than cis men, and vice versa for trans men.

    Also, treating sex as the only one that is relevant in medicine is reductive and inaccurate. I appreciate that this might not be what you were trying to say (edit: it most certainly was not), but at the same time I am not sure what else you mean by “sex and gender are distinct in medical science”. Transition alters the body significantly and is medically relevant. As a trans guy, my voice, metabolism, hirsutism, and build/muscularity align with cis men much more closely than cis women for example.

    I am not sure what you mean with psychology – why do you think sex and gender are distinct in psychology?

  • I think it’s a little more than 5, but yeah, there are only a handful, maybe 10 or so. This is otherwise 100% true.

    The moment I or any FTM friend of mine mention top surgery, the discussion immediately changes into which surgeon and why.

    And the gossip travels far! I haven’t had surgery yet, but I have my surgeon picked out already, and so many trans guys without any firsthand experience feel the need to tell me that he is an asshole. (I do appreciate the heads up; it’s just that I kind of don’t care bc his results are awesome.)

  • Borger@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule of healthcare
    3 months ago

    Eh… I know this is a meme sub, but this undermines any arguments to be made about real problems with healthcare systems by just… not being accurate.

    If you need stitches in the UK, that’s an A&E (ER for my North American friends) sort of ordeal, and yeah, you won’t be seen immediately because the system is badly managed and overwhelmed. You’ll have to wait several hours (unless you’re bleeding out/at risk of death, in which case you’ll be seen quickly), not 43 months ffs.

    That said, anything that’s non-urgent can take a few months. The only exceptions to this are 1) mental health, where you’re looking at several months for the waitlist almost irrespective of severity, and 2) gender-affirming care, where you won’t be seen for well in excess of 5 years, which at this rate & in this political climate (TERF island), is likely to outlast the NHS gender clinics themselves. Private is still an option for both of these branches of healthcare, but it’s expensive for sure.

  • I think that sentiments like this are really dependent on the context that the diagnosis is made within. E.g. in countries with free healthcare, gatekeeping on some level is a necessary evil, not just in trans healthcare, but in general, to allocate funding. For example, I can’t get braces for free despite my crooked teeth, because they’re not fucked up enough to warrant it, so I’d have to pay out of pocket. I don’t think it’s that crazy that someone’s HRT wouldn’t be covered by the state if they’re likely to want to change to the opposite hormone profile just 3 months later.

    Or am I just completely misunderstanding what this meme is talking about? Obviously, in a private healthcare setting, the only requirement is informed consent.