We used to have a local band called “John Cougar Concentration Camp”, and it’s still one of my all-time favorite band names…
I think of it every time one of this turd’s mid-life crisis jams come within earshot.
We used to have a local band called “John Cougar Concentration Camp”, and it’s still one of my all-time favorite band names…
I think of it every time one of this turd’s mid-life crisis jams come within earshot.
I do MEP design for commercial buildings in the US. If a job ever shows “EWC”, I don’t ask for specs, I assume the EZH2O until either the job goes out with that spec, or the client directly refuses to use that model.
Anything less, is uncivilized.
I still haven’t played the Halloween hack. But thank you for the explanation. One Earthbounder to another.
He invented the Sky Runner, among other things.
No idea why the LGBTQ+community has beef with him though.
Defo Kurt Angle…
Look we all fell unsettled by this concept in our current climate…
But you know as soon as attractive rich people start getting that shit installed in their heads every ounce of taboo or criticism will fly right out the window.
Society is run by tits and ass. Dancing in stupid little videos.
Weird. I graduated for engineering in 2017 and the majority of my teachers were completely detached from the real world applications, unreasonably strict, uncaring, and ridiculously stringent. It was supposed to be a “good” school. It was just super difficult.
Are… Are non-queers allowed to the parties?
… Asking for a friend…