She not fit thicc either. Just fit.
Making simple bread is very easy and hard to fuck up as long as you follow the goddamn instructions. It’s an excellent place to start. It’s where I started and I know how to make some very good stuff now. It’s a lot easier to get started than many fear.
Want to immediately crowd please while still doing dead simple baking? Club med bread. Piss easy bread that people tend to love and think is much more complicated.
It’s either a 14 year old dipshit trying to be funny, or an ai hallucinated 14 year old trying to be serious.
I’m more commenting on where I live. It’s common knowledge not to play in the lakes or waterways here.
Have fun. The water isn’t supposed to be that color or smell by the way. Notice nothing lives in that water either. Even Beau miles won’t kayak it. You do you though.
Doesnt work anymore. Maybe if this is about the Starbucks CEO. Swift at least responded to criticism and swore to use less flights. I’m not sure the CEO cares at all.
It’s almost like these are bullshit posts with an agenda.
Disney thought they were doing the ol anime glasses push moment. They didn’t realize they were actually granny from squidbillies.
Fakes as far as I’ve seen. Very “as a black man” energy.
I would have been that boyfriend. I always saw women like the right as more attractive and sexual than women like the left. It would infuriate a couple of my friends because I was a pretty boy who had the attention of women they found more appropriate, but I could never get them to understand that those women were like background extras to me in dating terms. It’s not even something I willfully do, it just feels natural and correct to want a bbw vixen.
I got it for free and still felt disappointed and somehow ripped off.
I’m totally sure you did bud. Enjoy supporting fascism in the next election.
All you said is that you’re voting trump. Lots of people said the same dumb shit last time and trump lost his ass. I’m not worried about folks like you. Plenty of you folks aren’t even real anyway. Lots of far right astroturfing.
The dip shit fascist lost like a punk bitch even though they cheated like hell. He’s going to lose again.
Oh look, more both sides trash slapped on top of someone else’s work. Lazy fucks can’t even propagandize properly.
Pfft whatever. I grew up with super friends. It was the most watered down, sanitized version of super hero action you can get. My daughter watches kids superhero stuff and they actually fight all the time. She reads the warriors books that have parts where cats rip each other to shreds.
Things are different these days of course, but this post is horseshit.
Even more bait trash.
Having a hobby in a price gouging capitalist hellscape.