It meeeeeeeeee :D
It meeeeeeeeee :D
I think it’s also partially about taking something that can be associated with … rednecks/middle America/conservatives I guess, and using it as a vehicle to try to reset people’s initial reactions against stuff that would be in their interest (unions for example). It doesn’t seem like it’s a concerted effort to actually reach that group, so right now it’s leftist memes for leftists but the potential for puncturing someone’s insular bubble Via familiar substrate for the message has interesting potential!
Pyramid Head and Darth Vader.
Now I’m a grey ace with a mission to befriend and protecc all the robo buddies.
Could you clarify what the joke is? Is there a pun here that I am missing picking up on?
This entire thing is absolutely fascinating.
I guess I have the minority opinion here - I reallykme Jerboa. It’s not Apollo or Sync but it’s lightweight, all about the text, has bookmark, comment, up and down votes front and center, and gets out of the way.
I’ve also been over on and the mobile interface there is really lacking so maybe Jerboa just looks especially good to me jn contrast!
The top right one looks like Stewie from family guy and for the life of me I can’t even say why