I just want to be in the most free place where I can talk to people.
So far, this is it. I don’t think the Twitter/Bluesky/Mastodon model really promotes discussion. The Reddit/Lemmy model does, by design, expectation.
My entire body is made of meat!
I enjoy:
Open Source
The letter B
Former Crypto idiot (I know it’s a scam, and understand why!)
Former pothead (I have a genetic disorder!)
Videogames and such. Team Fortress 2 Scout/Engy/Demo/Pyro. Catch me on 24/7 2ort! ~T0kin.
I just want to be in the most free place where I can talk to people.
So far, this is it. I don’t think the Twitter/Bluesky/Mastodon model really promotes discussion. The Reddit/Lemmy model does, by design, expectation.
Blockchain hype
Dead, buried, brought back to life, shot, brought back to life again and grafted to AI, beaten with a shovel, and currently laying in its own piss hoping 2024 is better to it.
Oh and Swift is apparently using chainlink for bank transactions, although most are wondering why on earth this would make chainlink holders any richer instead of the dev team and Sergey himself.
(it won’t)
I mean, maybe, if they aren’t already hurting financially. Maybe per the concepts of capitalism, they don’t deserve to operate if they can’t afford to.
I feel sorry for any delivery or moving companies.
It’s one of those games that basically… is mods. Want a car? Someone’s modeled it and put it into the game. Wait to use a wheel and shifters? Go for it. Want to crawl a mountain in a V8 behemoth with giant tires? Go for it. Want to send an 18-wheeler into a stack of buses at the end of a jump ramp? Go for it.
past me came to my house!!!
should I put the icons on the palm side? No, no one holds their phone like that, but without it, it just looks like a black bar… and I can’t Photoshop camera lenses… fuck, whatever, no one will care.
Why do I feel like giving this a month will make all of this irrelevant?
but this is a crime against God, humanity, gaming and anime!!!
I get it, your favorite game doesn’t work because of a new release. It happens. Take a ticket and sit down for a while. Valve isn’t omniscient about every Linux build in existence or possible glitch on the first week of release.
Hell, TF2 has been broken on arch for almost a month without bypassing a .dll file.
In feudalism, you know full well you’re being exploited. In capitalism, you might not be aware of it, but you still are. The idea is that you’re being paid for your work but, if the pay is so little that it might as well not matter to the payer at all, and is hardly a living wage, then we’re essentially back at square one.
Granted, I don’t think we’re as close to the grain of outright slavery that feudalism was, but on a long enough timeline, we will be. Companies will want more and more profit, taking more and more from the consumers and working class. People will either fight back or… put up with it.
Here’s an unrelated list of Invidious instances
And, no idea why this comes to mind as well, but since we’re being off-topic, I’m gonna post the site for youtube-vanced.
Only if the bottom is a turntable so I can spin.
If I don’t eat beef, there’s not much incentive to create better alternatives so that I don’t.
I was hooked. It was the first time my PC felt as transparent and lie-free as notebook paper.
Like, there’s nothing to hide because nothing is. It’s pure, truthful freedom and that meant more to me than raw usability. I tried to do everything possible on Linux that i was told I couldn’t do, hell, I ran Team Fortress 2 and Half Life in wine way pre-proton.
and it sucked, but it was cool tho!
I used some Ubuntu derivative for recording shitty music me and my buddy made in a trailer. OSS off of a turtle beach soundcard with a hacked together driver, crammed into a shitty Windows Vista era desktop.
I felt like some sort of junk wizard.
I use arch these days, Garuda mainly. I’ve done the whole song and dance from Arch to Gentoo. I know the system, now I want to relax and let something I suck at, giving myself features be more in the hands of a catering staff of folks and the Garuda boys know how to pamper.
The dragons kinda… yeah, the art’s kinda cringe but damn, this is the definition of fully featured.
One less sale is victory enough. It’s one more than before the post.
the businessthemselves.