Women are going to be a little late in the morning
Women are going to be a little late in the morning
I just don’t understand why it’s necessary to be a nuisance to other people inside their homes at any hour on any day, outside of necessary rare events such as work being done on the house with power tools. I manage to live my life without creating a noise that could conceivably wake someone at any hour of any day more than once a month or two. I view people blasting loud music, letting their dogs bark for hours on end, mowing lawns with deafening machinery, and so on as the equivalent of walking around my house banging pots and pans together. I know you think of it as “necessary” but I assure you that it isn’t. You’re loud because you don’t care about the disturbance you cause people, not because you truly have to be.
A lot of us work at night. My bed time is 8am. Why exactly do you deserve sleep more than I do just because I’m on a different equally necessary schedule?
Time to get good with a scythe
Nobody’s making you overeat garbage food no matter what it costs lol. If it was free would you be 900 pounds? Come on man.
Nah that doesn’t really have anything to do with anything, when you water you just saturate all the soil at once anyway. Think about how plants get watered in nature: not that often but thoroughly