It makes Corona!!!111
It makes Corona!!!111
I am very satisfied with my Fairphone 3. I still get monthly security updates. I can easily unlock the bootloader and install any alternative ROM I desire. I can repair any broken part without having to unglue something. But it also seems to be the most robust phone I have used in years. There’s a reason a used Fairphone is as expensive as a new one.
If you really want to go all-in on privacy a Pinephone or Librem 5 would be options but they have their own bag of problems. They are better suited for tinkering.
And regarding the comment on firmware updates of the parts themselves, that is a general computing problem that seems to be the worst with single board computers like smartphones. The solution would be parts with support for open firmware but they are almost impossible to find. I think Fairphone is going a good middle ground. I don’t expect there to be any phone where this is better.
I’m always astonished how little some other parents care about their children’s privacy. Schools as well.
There are already 5 or so Android apps for Lemmy, at least 2 iPhone apps and 2 Linux apps on Flathub. Go ahead.
If the available software doesn’t work as you want it to and you have the skill and time to make something you like go ahead. Often enough in the open source world devs of “competing” programs actually help each other.
So in the end you will just make the world a better place with your contribution.
Just throwing out there that nowadays the only games that don’t work on Linux are multiplayer ones with intrusive unsupported anti-cheat (for support see areweanticheatyet.com) and Gamepass games (and others from the Microsoft store). And VR is finicky.
If you don’t play those you could also go Linux on your gaming PC. Or wait until Windows 10 support runs out and look at the situation then.
I had my own server and used it for a long time until Android decided that it knows better what background services I want to have running and thus killed the “instant” part of instant messaging.
Since then I’m on Signal and could at least convince most of my friends and family to move there.
Good human.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon is currently the one that has me gripped most.
Apart from that it’s probably those derived from id engines. Last one I played was Jedi Outcast.
Meh, that would necessitate actually using Reddit.
It’s dependant on cookies. If whatever you checked that on deletes its cookies it can’t remember the “device”. The wording is all wrong but I guess they have to do that because plebs don’t know that this is running in a browser.