Meanwhile cats put their ball under the couch intentionally as a fun game to see you get it for them.
Meanwhile cats put their ball under the couch intentionally as a fun game to see you get it for them.
Am I crazy or have BIC lighters gotten worse in the last 6 months. They feel lighter, don’t last as long, and seem to have flimsy construction in the metal guard and spark wheel.
Chinese and Americans memeing together might just end the trade war.
Data gathering/brokering and payment information security are not really connected. PCI compliance standards are well standardized and fairly strict.
I would trust Google to handle payment information securely over any ‘media’ company.
If personal data was regulated at even the fraction of what payment data goes through we would all be better off.
Blanket _term_0 ideology isn’t a thing, it’s just parroted by blanket_term_1 & blanket_term_2 ideologies.
Popeyes fried chicken sandwich used brioche and triggered a wider trend in fast food. This was like 2019/2020
Taco Bell claims 88% beef with water and seasoning composing the rest.
Was it Taco Bell people were complaining that the meat filling isn’t ground all ground beef? I was like sweet I’d rather it be seasoned veggie delight anyway. Meat quality is not the draw of Taco Bell.
RIP you bloody legend.
I think they have pictures of things that actually interest them like birds, squirrels, and food.
I kinda felt bad when Paul Ryan said his favorite was Rage and they dissed him of course. Would stink to have your favorite band literally hate you.
Was also like bruh how are you processing these lyrics???
Any time me or my wife drop something WE THREW IT ON THE GROUND
I think you can get a federal tax credit for doing this via the Inflation Reduction Act.
He was arrested for bulk downloading PDFs?
too real. I must do this at least once a month.
No I think OP refers to the Early Career section of the wiki. There was legitimate debate around whether the U.S. should join WWII.
A big repost sandwich to start the year!
What city size can justify a $1 billion stadium and pull off comprehensive public transit for $150M?
I’ve seen a couple mentions of YouTube in this thread. Not sure if this is source inspiration of your meme, but in case…
The Roku TV YT app has been heavily enshitified in the last 6-8 months. Keep in mind, ads on this format (CTV) typically run $12-35 per 1,000 views.
They are bit rate throttling content and it most commonly occurs on content one year or older. YT has a dismissible call to action to upgrade to premium to remove this experience.
When you pause, the app shows a display ad sidebar to the paused video.
When the TV goes into initial sleep mode after a longer pause the YT app will lose the current video and land you back on the home page.
My experience is with using the YT app on Roku TV unauthenticated.