I don’t particularly mind the culinary fruit/vegetable definition, but feel like sweet fruits/savory fruits/vegetables would have been clearer.
I don’t particularly mind the culinary fruit/vegetable definition, but feel like sweet fruits/savory fruits/vegetables would have been clearer.
You’re definitely on the right track.
The only actual job of the police is to file crime reports.
They do not prevent crime. Protect innocents. Make people show up for court etc. They have no obligation to stop a crime in progress or protect someone being hurt, even if they’re standing right there and could stop it.
Anything in the justice system that you value is either done by someone else, or actually isn’t done at all.
I was going to put that in the list but felt it was long enough already, but it does fill the fruit dumpling gap.
Wrong time again…
Also Brown definitely wouldn’t have been the first to enforce faux tradition.
That shit has existed forever and the more meaningless, the more militant.
Ketchup on hotdogs. Folded pizza. Seafood with red wine.
All said with more authority yet far less evidence than anything Alton Brown ever said.
Fruit goes on cooked flour.
It’s been like that for centuries.
Cake. Danish. Fruitcake. Pizza. Filled doughnuts. Kolacky. Raisin bread. Banana bread…
I haven’t shot that much, but I’ve found pistols to be louder than smaller rifles - probably because the barrels are shorter and they’re a fair bit closer to your face.
I got my prependix taken out as a kid due to an infection.
? EA has been shit since probably before 1995…
This is the way. Though I’ve had to come to a full stop and pull off the road a couple times…
If you’re pacing the car in front of you, you’re already wrong.
Never. Pace. Strangers.
You pass them or let them pass.
Intelligent people leave a whole fucking lot more than just two car lengths.
Some Bernie people even went to Trump for the “drain the swamp” lie.
It doesn’t help that the Clinton campaign intentionally lent credence to Trump thinking he’d be a slam dunk compared to any of the half-sane Republicans in the primaries.
Is this thread still active?
Remember way back when, when you could set icons to be whatever you want?
Ok. But should you never put citrus in your garbage disposal because it summons the pipe demon, or are you supposed to put citrus in your garbage disposal because it repels the pipe demon?
Yeah but this is unironically unacceptable.
There was a time when I could not type faster than my computer could respond. The steady “upgrades” of software have made computers consistently worse, outpacing any hardware improvements by far.
I’m happy with my current liver, thanks.
Must have dropped out of strawman school…