What does this mean? Feel free to DM if you’d rather
What does this mean? Feel free to DM if you’d rather
What are your thoughts on suburban chicken ownership? I’m wholly uninterested, I need another creature to keep alive like I need another hole in the head, but my wife and daughter are really into the idea.
Dead Prez been radical and vocal about social and political issues since long before everyone else got there. Music is probably dated by now but their messages have always been consistent and they are very applicable today.
Edit: hmm, my bad, my comment only somewhat relates to yours, it’s early and I went off on a tangent. Sounds like you have a way stronger basis for your assertion that they make transition easier than I do, so I want to acknowledge that. I’m skeptical, I think maybe it feels smoother to you because you’ve spent time doing it or something, and I’m fairly certain a deliberate part of their marketing strategy is to make experiences with other products artificially worse. But otherwise, I do have to take your comment seriously.
Original unnecessary spiel below:
I understand there is a somewhat academic point to be made here and that this design logic is heralded as the guiding principles behind their usability decisions, etc.
I used to buy that, and I’m sure it’s involved and the primary concern for plenty of people who work / have worked on the interface. But after watching Apple’s behavior as I’ve grown up with them, learning more about Jobs and his legacy, etc. - anything that feels “walled garden” to me, I’m calling a walled garden. I don’t believe their decisions are purely or even primarily for aesthetic and design-minded reasons. Worse, I believe the portion that is, is largely marketing to those who use Apple for the sense of smug superiority it grants (not accusing you of that! it’s a thing in the userbase though). And yet worse, I believe that anything that punishes someone who uses less of their products is usually intentional, and if not it’s at least known and accepted (with the caveat that they are threading a needle with the last one, and some degree of usability for outsiders is fully necessary for brand growth).
That’s a pretty uncharitable take when I type it all out, but I have to acknowledge that it’s how I feel. It doesn’t mean the UX design principles aren’t there. I just don’t buy that it’s for the users, it’s for the shareholders, like any other corp.
Ultimately you may be right about these, but the issue at the heart of them all is that Apple makes their stuff harder to use by people used to other systems, on purpose. They could very easily institute a toggleable setting that’d change the hotkeys to be more like…ya know…every other OS. They could make non-Apple hardware work better (wouldn’t be trivial but I’m fairly certain they put effort into making things worse as is), they could make messages and files transfer better between iPhone and Android, etc.
Lots of things they could do to improve the experience of non-mega-fans, but they choose to run their business in a way that punishes anyone who isn’t using them for everything. And fuck em for that.
Edit: eh, you did say you weren’t actually defending them, so I’m probably just preaching to the choir here. Just grumpy that I have to use one now and they punish me daily for my lack of utter worship lol.
I’ve had the fun experience recently of moving my work related dev to the company-provided laptop, and boy oh boy have I come to hate Apple quickly.
Most surprising one for me was how trash it is at scaling UI on large displays. I have a pair of 27" and the system text is tiny. Turns out if I had Apple displays things would work better and that scaling option would be available. Instead I’m stuck just switching to a lower non-native resolution, which looks like shit and feels really outdated, but at least I can read the text and use the UI properly.
I mean, a banjo could show up in country music of any kind, but it feels quite Appalachian to me. Though after looking apparently the top half of Alabama counts, anyway, so TIL!
Fun fact (eh…more like barely recollected memory, likely to be wrong to some extent) -
The tires on those big ass haul trucks are seriously dangerous as they reach end of life - a blowout on something that size is real violent. Far as I know, they’ve got a ton of instrumentation these days to keep track of conditions and remaining life, etc.
Ya know, that’s super insightful and I bet there’s something to that. Our brains are so strange, and marketing (as an industry itself) has gotten to know them so well.
Right?! Honestly the most remarkable part of the whole image to me is how totally ass many of the designs are. Dr. Shasta is egregious as well.
WOW lol, big fan of kids shows who put in some jokes for the adults, that is a spicy one tho!
I’m fairly strict about content and usage with mine, and she plays the heck out of Roblox. I’ve played with her. This has not been my experience at all.
I’ve heard there are some SERIOUSLY dangerous people / groups on the platform, but that’s true everywhere to some extent and we haven’t had issues. I don’t think I’ve ever come across something inappropriate, in fact. What makes you say it’s a cess pool of porn and Nazi shit? Not attacking you, genuinely just want to know for my / our benefit.
I guess we’ll see won’t we? I predict we’ve got a bit further to go before enough people are miserable enough. It’s a numbers game and I don’t think we’re there yet.
And this is the heart of our predicament - the ones in control understand this. If they keep our misery at a low simmer they get to extract everything from us, slowly, we won’t revolt. I worry that our only hope may be that they miscalculate and the pot boils over. I really don’t want that, but I’m having a harder and harder time imagining real improvements anymore.
Hell yeah, I’m a goddamned fortress by now. I shrug off everything but a multi pronged attack, no matter how sustained. Pretty much have to be badly under slept, kept in tight quarters, and exposed to something virulent.
My immune system is like an advanced alien race just crashing through whole galaxies and annihilating weaker species. As it should be.
Returning to this a week later, and - gotta say - the Lemmiverse? (idk what we’re calling it lol) has really won me over, for little convos like this. Been here about a year and change, and it mostly just keeps getting better. People can disagree with one another, realize they agree more than they thought (or that they don’t), and we all get better for it. Seen it again and again, and I like it.
Clever reversal bud, sure got me.
You’re defending a stranger who went hostile and attacked the poster of a meme in a place for memes. Spend your time however you like, I just can’t imagine how you or the original commenter I replied to are able to take the littlest stuff - posted to a JOKE community - and extrapolate out (AKA invent) a bunch of serious takes, and then disagree with those fictional takes. The OP posted almost nothing, to a meme community. What y’all are doing is Don Quixote stuff (or more accurately, straw man bullshit), but like I said, spend your time however you see fit.
Is it? Speaking from experience? I’ve heard it both ways and trying to get a better idea of how it works out financially.