Enjoy, take a poke around, drop some comments.
A bit between a forum and reddit. You don’t have to sneak away to subreddit, just comment wherever and whenever. There’s usually some good interaction. Much smaller places than reddit and less monkeying with comments and votes and such.
🎵under pressure 🎵
I think that it was less: let’s find alternatives, than it was fuck you government TikTok isn’t Chinese enough. It was a direct answer to the government telling us which social media apps we were allowed to use. Also, 100% avoidable if they’d passed data protection instead. It really felt like the government enforcing private interests on its citizens.
Americans typically don’t like the government telling us what to do. It’s all fine if Facebook buys all the competition, but it’s another thing when the government makes the competition illegal because they won’t sell to zuck or musk.
Honestly, Redbook was sort of neat. I doubt it has much staying power as it was really just a protest, but it was sort of a historical feeling moment.
You should try this new messenger app.
I’m pretty sure that is you don’t believe China is a literal hell, you’re a tankie. Though, I think tankies are the feminist your uncle always warned you about tbh
China is a big place stuffed with folks.there are a lot more Chinese people doing whatever than most lol
That second one makes me feel very uncomfortable.
It’s unnecessarily limiting the audience. High school is relatable because everyone does it. Not everyone goes to college or works in such and such field.
When it comes to the human experience, we start to diverge pretty early.
Well yeah, but it’s the US government which hasn’t ever done anything problematic before. I’m sure it’s for everyone’s best interest. /S
Which if that were true, still wouldn’t matter.
The largest teat in the whole country.
Yeah, so was second world because of Russia or because of communism? We need to redraw some stuff. Maybe use something other than number ranking for our definitions. I think we’re ultimately too attached to calling countries with brown people third, but this is a fight I can get behind.
Idk, that seems like a pretty shit take to me. It’s not the voting choice I made, but I can see where people are coming from. It’s not just the US selling arms to hostile occupiers, it’s running around with the Cheney’s and the general abandonment of the working and middle class.
FDR was aight, but for modern presidents I think Jimmy the real deal.
I tried it a couple of times and I’ve got to say: mediocre burgers. I don’t really get the appeal.
How is China not capitalist? The government keeps it’s capitalist leashed, but they are the driving force are they not?
I’m also not sure how you’d not see them as an empire? It’s a big ole place with a lot of folk.