• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2022


  • I don’t have much to respond to because I appreciate what you’ve said and even agree for the most part, however:

    Voting Democrat is always in your interests.

    The Democratic party is not some force of good, and their administrations and policies still harm the working class and other marginalized groups. They just manage to do less harm and placate us slightly more than their primary opponents.

    Voting democrat is more in my interest than voting Republican, but not as much as having an ancom in office. It is not in my interest in general, as I will still be shooting myself in the foot because it’s better than having someone else shove electrodes into my brain.

    You may say that it’s the effect of “corrupt dems,” but that’s a myopic understanding of the party and its motives. It is an ideologically driven party, it’s just that that ideology is an uncomfortable truth: liberal capitalism. In service of that, it allows the input of marginalized groups, but will never allow us to gain full autonomy and control over our own lives as that would not serve capital.

    I refuse to buy this narrative that any progress be made has to be made under the banner of a particular party/organization/group.

  • Please do not project onto me when addressing my questions/comments. Just because I get frustrated with “vote blue no matter who” rhetoric online doesn’t mean I cease existing offline; I do have a life irl where I have been occasionally known to engage in my community and political projects.

    “how many times are as supposed to vote to prevent the fascists from gaining power?”

    despite the quotation marks, that is not a question I asked. Please do not put words in my mouth

    This “they’ll win anyway” is some miserly nihilistic take - we’ve won against the Nazis before we’ll win again.

    I am not a nihilist, and, based on context, I don’t think you meant that word anyway. Perhaps “defeatist”?

    Paraphrasing me as saying “they’ll win anyway” in regards to fascists (nazis or otherwise) strips what I said of important context: my point was that if the rhetoric stagnates in the choice of “neoliberalism or fascism” the fascists will eventually get a win for two reasons:

    1. the status quo, neoliberalism, isn’t working out for the majority of people, and historically whenever that happens, societies undergo major upheaval. If the public only ever knew two options prior to that revolution, they—as a mob, not a collection of rational individuals—will take the second

    2. It frames the fight in such a way where the fascists “only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always.”

  • Did voting for Biden stop Trump this last election? How many times are we supposed to vote Democrat against our own interests and better judgment until Trump is successfully stopped? What about when Trump stops being the face of fascism, an ideology and not a man, and the fascists prop up another candidate? Will it always be “neoliberalism or fascism” every election from here until fascism wins anyway because neoliberalism doesn’t work for the majority of people either?

  • Don’t forget that it’s split up between 20 or more services that all cost $12-15 now.

    So they’ll market it to you as 4,000 shows and 2,000 movies or 80,000 hours of content (or whatever number/metric) for just $12, but it’ll really turn into $80+/month for the 2 shows and 4 movies you’d actually enjoyed that month and hundreds of hours wasted on subpar content to justify renting instead of just buying said shows and movies (if you even can anymore). Then you’ll binge them again the next time you have a sick day or are feeling burnt out because they were the things that were good enough to take your mind off life, further narrowing the price gap between renting/streaming and buying

    So basically exactly like the “Premium” cable packages that came with the 2 channels, each with 2-3 shows, that you actually cared about per package.

  • Has any online leftist ever talked to an ancap? It’s not that they suppirt oppression outright, just that they don’t care if it doesn’t affect them. That’s why their ideology makes sense: they don’t consider that they’d be the proles, they’d be the capitalists.

    Coincidentally, that’s why most authoritarians support their brand of oppression: in their specific genre, they’re the winners and the losers can go fuck themselves. And no, they don’t consider that they’re just paving the way to their ineviable overthrow