I personally don’t define myself as gay but I do love wearing skirts! They’re so comfy with a pair of tights or some really nice long socks and a sweater! :D
Hiya! My name is Basil! I’m a Non-binary Scottish Crossdresser! My hobbies include gaming, scrapbooking, watching cartoons, occasional reading and gardening!
I personally don’t define myself as gay but I do love wearing skirts! They’re so comfy with a pair of tights or some really nice long socks and a sweater! :D
Bnunny! They’re so excited! :O
You must really enjoy PJ masks huh? :D
Oh really? Huh, when I tried to do that for some reason it wasn’t allowing the image so I thought I had to put it below! Apologies I’m not super sure of how image boards n stuff like this work!
Mhmm! Tons of them just eat the lil buggies like ticks and stuff that end up on their fur! They’re super clean lil fuzzballs!
Aww you shouldn’t be so down on yourself! I’m sure you look great! And even if you don’t right now there’s nothing a lil bit of self care can’t fix!
I remember seeing those in an Iceland nearby! I kinda did wonder how they’d taste!
Woaah! I’m not super sure who the character is (I think they’re from a fighting game?) But your art is soo good! :O
Kibby! Aww they’ve got their wellies out for the rain! <3
Woah! I never knew! How do I find them they look so cute! :O
I Like guinea pigs for similar reasons! They go “Wheek” and… well that’s it really but it’s cute!
I’ll take the endless candle, but honestly I’d take an endless candle on its own even without the magical effects, I burn through so many!
You know I’m still not at all sure what an Alpha male is supposed to mean haha
I like this as a sort of reaction image though XD
I unironically love it!