Just cut one of the handles and separate the mugs.
Just cut one of the handles and separate the mugs.
Nah, just crank sonar to max, and send endless pings until all the Willie’s are freed from life
I made a resolution about 15 years back to stop making resolutions… only one I’ve ever kept.
You don’t even have to hit it that hard.
I used to treat them like the 15 item or less lane, but over the last year they have gotten worse as in you’re forced to scan more slowly than before, scales are even more sensitive, can’t pull the whole drop your reusable bag with the first scanned item anymore or it starts screaming about unexpecteditem in bagging area. It’s like they’ve gone full blown over the top anti theft settings to the point that it’s so frustrating to use them now that I hardly ever do anymore.
It’s certainly not a luxury sports car, but in the current state of things, I’d say all sports cars are expense as they’re rarely owned or operated as a primary daily drive vehicle. Owning a second car for fun certainly sounds expensive to me.
Well, that’s easy, friend. Have you tried a big heaping dose of depression? That’s how I used to accomplish such feats.
If you’re buying vacant land and paying cash, you can close really quickly as there’s nothing in need of inspection, and loan processing times aren’t a factor… I have a buddy who just purchased 100+ acres of vacant land from a logging company. He paid cash and was able to close in just a few weeks.
Didn’t Julius Cesar refer to Cleopatra as the woman with the golden mouth? Sounds to me like she might have been the original hawk tuah girl.
I live in town and occasionally throw debaucherous parties from time to time. The neighbors are always first on the invite list as they shan’t be complaining about the noise if they are participating in creating it.
Personally, I had this same decision a few years back. My choices were to buy a really nice house in town close to things with a small city lot, or buy a run-down fixer upper outside of town (20-30 minute drive) with a large wooded lot and all the space/privacy I could ever want outdoors. I chose the house in town because I was concerned that if I lived that far away from things, I would effectively be isolating myself and adding additional mental hurtles I would need to jump anytime I wanted to go somewhere, not to mention the effect it would have had on my depression.
I am quite pleased with having a grocery store within a 5-10 minute drive from my house. I have restaurants, bars, local shops, and even the public library within a 10-15 minute walk from my house. Having access to high-speed internet in town, vs satellite, or DSL out of town was also a deciding factor in my decision to live in town. Overall, I’m happy with my decision even if I don’t have a large private yard to go play in.
My advice to you is to make a list of services, amenities, and conveniences that are important to you about your future home and then buy according to which better fits into the lifestyle you want to live. Best of luck.
This. This is exactly it. Commonly referred to as cognitive dissonance where when presented with evidence differing from that of one’s beliefs, they will discard said evidence as faulty and will double down going deeper into their wrongfully held beliefs. Cognitive dissonance can be overcome but it is very difficult to do so, especially if you aren’t willing to entertain the idea that your beliefs might be wrong.
Wife of 11 years left 5 years ago, every time I even think of maybe dating again I’ll play around on an app or site for a few days, and I’m scared right back into wanting to stay single.
Well, for whatever it’s worth, this internet stranger is happy you’re still here. As long as you’re here, it can get better.
Grandiloquent, or circumlocution.
Same. I’ve never been a Burger King fan, but dear Lord, that first whopper after months of eating nothing but MRE’s tasted better to me in that moment than any steak I’ve ever eaten, and that feeling of a full belly after actually enjoying a meal did wonders for my morale.
I would be sad if he died tomorrow. He needs to face the consequences of his actions, be tried, convicted, and sentenced to show once and for all the “elite” also must play by the rules… then the fucker can die.
So, according to this analogy, Windows and Mac are working towards saving the planet, while Linux is an unstoppable destructive force hell bent on eradicating all of mankind… is that what you’re trying to say here?
It’s all a racket here. The cost off the food is typically higher than the restaurants menu price, then there’s an upcharged service fee, separate delivery fee, and tip. So, by the time you’re done, you just paid double for that $12-15 item, and Uber eats is the worst of the bunch.