I’ve had similar thoughts. Maybe not a rotation, but a compulsory period of service following high school that where people can select from a variety of public service assignments.
I’ve had similar thoughts. Maybe not a rotation, but a compulsory period of service following high school that where people can select from a variety of public service assignments.
I once got a fishing hook in the back of my calf. Since the hook was barbed we did not try pulling it back out, so my dad pushed it the rest of the way through then cut the end off. I’m not exactly signing up to do it again, but all things considered it wasn’t too bad.
Good on him for taking a hike. The first photo trips me up. Was the hike to the middle of a highway? Is there a placard or historical marker there in the middle of the highway?
Can confirm. I used to watch Justified, now I spend my TV time trying to subtly convince my toddler that Chase isn’t the best Paw Patrol pup.
I couldn’t think of a specific song on that album, so I put it on for a listen. I wasn’t familiar with the hardcore/punk style on War and Keys to the Kingdom. Funny enough, I had tickets to see them on this tour because Rise Against was their supporting act, but the tour got cancelled because Chester got sick. The pairing didn’t make too much sense to me at the time, but now it makes more sense, even if it was at a time that Rise Against was losing a lot of their melodic hardcore background with Appeal to Reason. Collapse (Post-Amerika) still hit though.
I was just hitting middle school when Hybrid Theory came out. My mom wouldn’t let me buy it because of the repeated Shut Up lyrics in One Step Closer, but I loved the album and listened to it with my friends all the time. I didn’t feel like Meteora hit as hard, and I really lost interest after Minutes to Midnight. Listening to them now, I still don’t like much after the first few albums, but I’ve come around a bit to Meteora and honestly, Reanimation might be my favorite of the first three albums.
There’s a different printing on the other side too.
I often think of this sign I saw at a small children’s playground with braille on it hung 6 feet in the air with no way to reach it.
That’s all fine and dandy until they misbehave and you can’t follow through by sending them to school on the weekend.
Fuck Grandpa Joe and all, but the guy in Saving Private Ryan who stands on the stairs while his squad mate is being killed just inside the door usually gets my vote for biggest piece of shit in cinema history.
My colleague gave me one of hers this week. She told me they were the good stuff. They were so strong I wasn’t sure which was worse: the cough drop or the sore throat. Checked them out at the store today and they have 20mg menthol! The ones we call “the good stuff” only have 7.5mg.
We are much more basic. Always have a box of Lipton chicken noodle on hand for when a bug hits.
Hold the extra noodles, but that’s the real MVP. Sustained me for a week when I got COVID two years ago.
My grandma got me into birding when I was a young child. My friends always text me pictures of birds like it’s a quiz. Maybe this means they’ll start to catch up.
The irony of this sign being photographed on a cellphone while driving takes this to the next level.
The older I get the more I’ve started to structure my ideal of being comfortable as meaning “my time is more valuable than my money.” Whereas I used to change my own oil or absolutely refuse to pay a delivery fee on take out, now I recognize that it’s more important to me to save that time than that money. Especially when it comes to things I could do, but a professional could do in a matter of hours to my days/weeks of work (I’m looking at you drywall finishing).
I use one of these to eat lunch at work without having to store/carry two utensils. I have never used the knife, but I do find the double sided spoon fork combo very useful, even if it does draw a little chiding from my coworkers.