And when hearing or reading pavlov we think about the guy, dogs, the bell and feeding.
Quak, Quak, quuaakk
And when hearing or reading pavlov we think about the guy, dogs, the bell and feeding.
Unfortunately the Russian stocks from the Soviet era are pretty massive, so there is a lot of future scrap to be placed in Ukranian fields before this ends.
Reminds me of the post of the dad with the baby growth doubling… on track to be trillion tons by age 21
But the fact that it’s done to more people is not a mitigating factor is it.
And just like those Afghan girls that knew better once, having these freedoms actively stripped away makes it worse.
Oh god, more tankie nonsense.
Right? It is wonderfull. I also ended up blocking and switching all .ml communities to alternatives. That is also a step I can recommend.
LoL… I have a relatively limited Blocklist of tankies and therefore do not see any of their drivel anymore. Seriously, just block the names you recognize… at 20 your Lemmy experience will be much more sane.
I hope they f-ing put the bank and bank manager on the sanctions list. Seize the assets of the CEO and kick raifeisen of swift.
Ah like that, I did not read your point like that.
But then it’s rental is it not? Renters have a lot of laws governing them, and slumlord should not get to bypass those by using airBnB.
That is indeed what they did. They Limited the amount of cruise ships and the arrival and departure times.
Here’s why not: Because too much vacancies/transient inhabitants destroys communities.
A lot of shops etc depend on local customers. If there is too small a consumer base, these shops disappear starting a cycle that is detrimental to the neighborhood.
This separated from the assholes that drag their airport suitcases with hard plastic wheels across the pavement at all hours. Have weekday keg parties and all sorts of other shenanigans. Neighborhoods are for living, hotels and other accomodations are permitted for a reason.
The way it all started was people with a spare bedroom, which is fine. Then the residents will make sure that people behave and that the airBnB’ers behave.
Well we learned from covid that musea and other tourist destinations can easily limit access… so make more destination Limited entry with reserved cards. The cards can be free, and person bound. To avoid scalping.
I’m not saying this is THE solution, but there are a lot of smart people out there, if we express a desire to fix this, a solution will be though up that works.
It also heavily depends on the type of tourism.
Amsterdam had cruise ships come there, dump tourists that would swarm the city and return to the ship for lunch/dinner. The tourists added almost nothing to the cities economy, while the city did have to deal with them.
Off course other towns and cities benefit, but the question is should a city accomodate it all, should there be a limit and how to enforce the limit.
But I can see that with the industrialization of everything, industrialised tourism is annoying.
No he f-ing doesn’t.
The whole threats of violence, disappearing/exiled/disqualified opponents is a feature not a bug.
Elections have no value in Russia but a show, to emphasize who is in charge… Putler.
The way it is setup this is to show all Russians that elections are useless and this hold true for all elections in other countries too. It is only the illusion of choice.
Not anymore but they where up untill recently.
Now they will try and form a government of extraparlementary people. That way they can still blame the government
We all knew this already. He will just tell Putin to do whatever the hell he wants. He said so himself.
I wonder how many AIPAC countries look at a possible trump presidency. Cause so far they rely on the US for support, and when called they might not answer.
Ofcourse it is… in the whole of Europe. Processing biometric data is not allowed without a requirement to do so. Even companies that want to implement biometrics for authentication have to show why alternatives are not an option and mostly still offer an alternatives for employees that don’t want their biometric data with their employer.
Well it is also a living evolving thing. And as with all bureaucracy… slowwww. But this improvement we can get behind.
Hehehe… I know them alright…