…You wouldn’t!
…You wouldn’t!
But they still have a limited lifetime of a maximum of 10 years, regardless of cycle count.
Can I see a source to that? I have not heard about anything that would confirm what you are saying.
I guess someone had that idea, sold it and then contracted some poor guy to implement it, even if it is bullshit and does not work
The iPhone also had local speech recognition for quite a while now. It is available since the iPhone 6s and the iPhone SE. Both of which came out in 2015 - 9 Years ago.
You don’t understand. The end user is the importer. That’s the whole idea behind aliexpress, temu and others. They don’t need to adhere to any local laws because the customer directly shops on the Chinese website.
What? Local speech recognition is already integrated in most phones. Open source options are also freely available… I am not sure what the news is here…
A recall of cheap Android streaming boxes dropshipped from China? Ha!
Regarding your gaming point. Look up „game porting toolkit“ it is a native tool from Apple which lets you play most windows games on an ARM machine seamlessly.
Companies should publish schematics, drawings, 3d files etc when they mark a product obsolete.
Or hold the power button and any volume button for 3 seconds. Same result.
Only on devices that don’t use a 3D authentication, which for example the iPhone uses.
If they want to hide that, why not just not print it on the box?
DNS filtering only gets you so far. An adblocker is still a very good addition
And companies belief, that this spending was worth it an people spend much more than that on their products.