Because I don’t care what company it is. Compare apples and apples don’t fall for the stupid political double speak that has gotten Amerca to where it is.
Propaganda is propaganda regardless of if you agree with it or not
Because I don’t care what company it is. Compare apples and apples don’t fall for the stupid political double speak that has gotten Amerca to where it is.
Propaganda is propaganda regardless of if you agree with it or not
I don’t really know what NPR is National Political Radio?
My point is their 1% budget from your Orange Dad isn’t revenue and doesn’t come from providing a service.
Your big chest Daddy Musks revenue comes from providing a service
Why is it framed like that though revenue vs budget?
Revenue is money received for work done etc.
Budget is money allocated for the purpose of getting things done.
So Space X provides a service NPR is floated along.
Unless the poster was genuinely wrong on their terms here.
Not that I’m defending any of this but just don’t make unfair comparisons and think it’s great.
Yeah that’s when I left, well before when they started talking about it.
It’s not the same which is great
Not any more, now you got a whole other thing going on
But later produces the small cell.
Yeah, I got given a gameboy colour for Christmas when I was like 5 or so.
My parents bought me Spyro the dragon for GBA as my game while my sister got Harry potter for her gameboy colour.
Worst Christmas ever. Cause no gameboy game to play nothing open boxing day.
We also had to get batteries too haha.
I was working on a retarder today (am diesel mechanic) unfortunately whoever designed it was fucking retarded cause fuck me was it a cunt to get out
I made it to the trillions but I clicked the paper billionair link and then had to restart. Fuck that haha
He gets so flat at the start no wonder they’re strewed there’s nothing to them
I thought the same joke just need red circles around the rest haha
The best thing about limewire was downloading “stupify” by Disturbed. Hitting play and it’s some random song you have never heard before that absolutely slaps.
Or random wrong names songs then years later you go to a concert and hear random band number 2 playing and it’s their song you got from lime wire years ago
What’s with the mozzie coil
I’m Australia electric and plumbing are the two licensed trades.
That’s cause they’re the two the if you mess up you do massive damage ( plumbing covers gas fitting )
If you’re a not a carpenter and screw up your kitchen you live in a shit kitchen.
If you do electric work turn in on and you have electried the frame of your house or you taps you die
In Australia i hear it called black snaking.
But that’s from the southerners, we’re i come from you can hardly wear the same shirt al day without needing to change
Haha Papua New Guinea so pore they can’t afford their whole island had me in stitches
Is Fr Fr said Fr or is it Saif for real?
No stress i can’t wait.
I was never onto oblivion or skyrim until I married my wife, she tried to get my to play oblivion but the graphics are pretty rough.
I looked up texture mods heard about skyblivion and have waited since
What’s it worth?