I mean the it is the very definition of the word. A son or daughter an offspring.
I mean the it is the very definition of the word. A son or daughter an offspring.
I mean yes he is Joes child no matter how old he is.
Yes you need the support in place also otherwise it just gets worse.
No they should not be without the other support networks in place. BC in Canada decimalized and it made shit worse. You need the support infrastructure in place to help people with addiction also.
Sure but the Republicans have been going after hunter hard. That isn’t normal circumstances.
And America has proven nobody cares except the Democrats who don’t vote for high horse reasons son who cares.
He can’t blanket pardon people. He would have to do one for each person.
Really I see tons of people making generalizations of boomers.
It was ok. I didn’t get the hype around it and didn’t think it was great or as good as everyone was saying it was.
“TV” still does just not tv. At least kids I know are streaming descendants zombies victorious. Basically anything with singing and yes a hefty dose of YouTube thrown in.
The only powerful position the NDP had was since the last election when they had to form a minority government. Other then they even the opposition has no power.
How could you not have a FPTP system in America? Your voting for a president, person with most votes wins, I know electoral college is involved but they should get rid of that.
Didn’t know he owned them. Since he says my stolen stuff. Now Eygpts sure.
Everyone knows when Apple says privacy they just mean from others.
It’s all bullshit, just generated for people to hate someone other then the ones they should be.
This is now considered generational trauma. WTF?
Males do not lactate if human. Some others do. Humans males might suffer from Galactorrhea as well as some females.
Maybe everyone just released the story early?