Tiktok doesn’t cost thousands of dollars?
I am a hobbyist artist, but I do like to do commissions when I can! I’ll probably mostly post my art on here, but I’ll probably end up engaging with a lot more.
Tiktok doesn’t cost thousands of dollars?
Well, I’ll always hopefully remember that he is.
That’s literally the reason that poverty exists soooo
Considering what the boomers and Gen x have put the millennials through, I’m not surprised they’re susceptible to romance scams.
I don’t know if I’ve seen one physically last more than 3, so I’m not sure how much this does.
He has such an outrageous amount of wealth that he’ll never be poor. Not even if all his assets are nationalized. He’s probably squirreled away money in as many holes as possible. He will probably never see any proper justice for any of his actions.
Effectively be definition, society is altruistic. It can’t exist if everyone is perfectly selfish. There needed to be a balancing act between selfishness and selflessness, including some mixture such as “selfish altruism.” Help me I help you. That’s quite possibly the basis of civilization in general.
That being said, as beings subject to natural selection as well as self preservation and wants, we are generally selfish by nature. Whether we can override that or not depends on both our nature and our nurture. We did so far enough to form communities and eventually civilizations, of course.
Considering that there are swaths of the population to this day that barely consider (If they consider at all) certain other swaths conscious beings, I don’t have high hopes for us figuring out if an AI is.
I’m partial to “Who’da thunk that was gonna happen?”
Does the distinction even matter in this context? Neither is good and neither should be permitted.
Since that information is supposed to be public knowledge and easily accessible, I don’t think it would fall under the law.
That being said, I don’t exactly expect certain parts of the US to actually apply laws correctly.
How about a feature where it actually shows me things I asked for? That’d be great.
Private ISPs could do it better if they weren’t largely all monopolies. The US average internet speed is a fraction of most other developed countries mostly because of them.
Yup, you never know what the cause of the discrepancy could be. It seems even the original team could only get it to work 10% of the time anyway, and they were familiar with the process. Even with detailed instructions, another unfamiliar team may not be able to recreate it even that often.
Until they determine what factor is leading to the occasional creation of the product, it’s effectively random whether they will create it or not. It could theoretically take 1000 tries to get it to work once. Or 1,000,000 times. But, it will probably take around 10.
That is, of course, if the product they claim to have made is real. If it isn’t real, then they’ll never get it. And, if they can figure out what exactly is making it or not, then they should be able to adapt the process to near perfect odds.
That’s often how it goes. Something doesn’t do what you expect, so you have to keep trying new things until you figure out why it wasn’t what you expect.
There’s Leif Erickson and then there’s Columbus. Columbus is Elon or Spez.
C-suite executives I guess.
HBO has changed their branding like 5 times in the last few years I swear.
Probably insiders. Someone greased the wheels, probably in exchange for a cut of the money
It’s that or fascism unfortunately. That’s the rub with a two-party system.