If it’s open source won’t anyone pickup the project and continue support?
3 degrees of freedom simulator chair and screens
Thought you were memeing but mermaid supports Gantt charts 🤯
You understand mermaid but not how to take a screenshot? Lol
If it’s pve it doesn’t need to be balanced
Quiting and video games/food should be flipped but otherwise 💯
Rm stands for remove
-fr stands for the French language
/ stands for your entire system
Don’t trust random internet strangers either
I read this as closeted gay man coping with his trans boyfriend
This makes owning a pet sound inhumane
Hate those blushing waves. Seeing that wall of red come at you is life altering
Yea works in Firefox but not chrome or safari
It’s only displaying link and clicking it takes you to download mp4
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