I was about to say - the outs go in, and the ins go out. The picture is wrong.
I was about to say - the outs go in, and the ins go out. The picture is wrong.
That’s actually a very interesting map! I didn’t know the gulf is just large enough to not be entirely divvied up!
Well, yes, but usually it’s the code that’s the main deal, and the part that’s open, and the data is what you do with it. Here, the training weights seem to be “it”, so to speak.
It started off as sincere, but the minute it launched Poe’s law ate it.
Is it even really software, or just a datablob with a dedicated interpreter?
Also, range. You don’t even need numbers on the RPM dial to know it pointing past 12-o-clock is not good.
Also, a digital display may be quicker to read a value, but an analog dial is infinitely superior for displaying both range and rate of change, which for rapid readouts is much more significant.
Yeah, sparks a whole lot of emotions, but joy is not among them.
And would be correct. But if we’re planning a health system, and I keep insisting on bandaids but refuse to even talk about anything else, my proposal is a bait-and-switch. That’s the problem, not UBI/NIT, as a concept.
That’s under the assumption that you’re actually getting them to a doctor and not just slapping the bandaid on and calling it a day.
Seems more like something Diogenes would pull.
The usual translation is “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” It’s a Mao Zedong quote.
Cold blood usually just means as opposed to “hot blood”, that is, in the heat of the moment. People say it as if it makes it particularly bad, but really, it’s almost a synonym for “premeditated”.
Do you and Mork keep in touch?
…Wait, is Joe then also a child? Good grief, no wonder America went to shit, they let a fucking child be president!
Yeah, you’re probably right. They should try it a few more times just to be sure.
Exactly, which is why Kamala won!
Frankly, I don’t know what you’re complaining about. If you standard for “child” is “has a parent”, then everyone on here is a child, you included. Just pardon them and move on.
…Wow, y’all are really losing it over this, aren’t you?
No, I mean the OP. Theirs is a half-crossover.