Lol bro you made my day
Lol bro you made my day
I like the video overall but at the end he recommends Surfshark VPN as the only “subscription worth it” like come on.
Have you ever been to California actually? Yes the situation is bad but not everywhere is California is like that.
I know! They are the fucking best!
Let’s go France!!
Yep I feel the same. I love how old stuff seem to last longer and longer and the new stuff breaks just out of the blue.
Very interesting thank you for the info!
Wait? I am confused wasn’t that gas called Mustard because of the color?
Oh I didn’t know that thanks.
Mozilla offers one now and it should be better I think.
Bro is just incredible how there is people defending this multibillions dollars companies. The studios don’t care about the author or the creator. They don’t care about the actresses or the singers. They don’t care about you as the consumer of this media. They only care about PROFIT.
Sources :
As you can see these executives are not compensating the actors , the writers. The actual creators of these movies and series you said " wE sHoUldN’t pIrAtE" are not even getting their good deal and let’s not talk about the music industry which is the same or worst situation for the creators.
Yes I was joking lol
God damn it. People really get offended by everything. But if I as Christian wants to ban Halloween then I am the fascist.
And every single kid will be fine , this parents nowadays want the government to do all their job. If you dont want your kid with a phone , dont buy him a phone. Punish them and teach them to read a book or go outside to play.
Exactly , look what happens in the US some people fall for social pressure to have an iPhone because everyone use iMessage
Houses are not a medium to spread information. A book is , it means something so it is speech. Just like burning the US flag is allow because the first amendment allow us to judge and say fuck to our government.
I hope the people on Denmark protest against this. I understand it is a sacred book for some people but the state and religion should be separate.
Wow first Pirate Bay now this , I really love Sweden!
If it was something that was not possible to patch , was it necessary to released to the world?