I was about to say …
Vox can speak for itself. Big sections of the public knew they were being sold a bill of goods.
I was about to say …
Vox can speak for itself. Big sections of the public knew they were being sold a bill of goods.
George Lucas gonna George Lucas.
Mace Windu getting killed was the turning point and point of no return for the three film character arc of Anakin Skywalker. That’s a long way from “needlessly”. Sure the character didn’t have to be killed, but the impact of him being betrayed and killed was enormous. The plot of the third film (and the entire prequel trilogy) culminated with his death scene.
That, and slapping a fixed price on a staple product the business sells. Even with normal two percent inflation eventually there’s going to be disappointment when the price has to be raised.
Why would words that sound like other words do that?
Conversely, they got a vacation and the church got painted. It’s more productive than a beach trip.
Yeah, but like … movie ugly. Like Ogbert, the nerd that nobody realizes is handsome until he takes off his glasses.
In the days before telecommunication and especially before formalized, reliable identification methods clothes were an obvious way to figure out a person’s position in society. Expensive clothing was easy to spot when compared to cheaper clothing, so if a person was dressed in finery it was almost guaranteed they were actually wealthy.
Up until just a few decades ago the hardest thing for people to get was food, not housing as it is (for most of the people on Lemmy) today.
Because of this, being fat was seen in various societies as a sign of wealth or beauty, sometimes both. As late as a hundred years ago the US and Great Britain had “fat man societies”. Here’s an article on that:
We can’t really know why the “fertility idol” sculptures look that way, but if you’re an early human spending your life going through cycles of feast and famine as you follow prey animals sticking around with the fat person you ran into was a good way to stay alive.
Unfortunately (at least in the U.S.A.) speaking quickly is a bad habit that is typical among young people. In schools we teach students to slow down when giving a presentation or speaking formally.
You may find it more useful to find YouTube videos where people are presenting information on a topic. These “video essays” are typically done in a more formal and understandable fashion.
I would recommend using face to face conversations to judge your English comprehension.
I am a native speaker with perfect hearing and I still have to use subtitles with any movie made in the past ten years.
And then everyone clapped
These days we’re getting depressing comics and depressing politics comics, too.
Running a small amount of water into a nearly empty bottle of shampoo (or body wash, etc.) allows you to get the last little bit out of the bottle. It’s basically an austerity measure, a sign that a person is stretching every dollar.
Didn’t answer the question? The channel name is in the meme, my dude. You just googled it for them.
It’s a YouTuber who takes practical chemistry to its extremes. Examples include rendering rubber gloves down into soda, making purple gold, etc.
Hey, thanks for sharing!
It’s completely beyond me why scripts get rushed out the door before they’re at the very least solid. Sure, a production company might make their money just a little bit sooner but they run a massive risk of losing all of their money making a movie that completely bombs.
It’s impossible for every script to be a masterwork, but holy crap it seems like an audience wanting a competent script is too much to ask. It’s not like there’s a shortage of aspiring writers that can take a crack at a script until it’s at least passable.
I’m sure there’s plenty of those making a mess of things, but taking time in the writing process, getting input from relevant parties, and doing as much preparation as possible cuts out a myriad of problems.
Studio got a product placement deal? Great, let’s integrate that into the story long before filming even begins so it feels natural.
Director doesn’t know if he wants plot point A to happen or not? Good thing he heard about that while the movie was just a script instead of having him decide with dozens of people on set.
I’m sure there are uncontrollable, unforeseeable problems that will come up in any production. There is no reason to exacerbate those by being willfully unprepared. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure but it seems like film studios reliably hamper the “prevention” part to shave a few weeks off on prep time and end up losing more time or huge piles of money because of it.
That’s what sticks in my craw. If I’m a studio exec who’s going to invest potentially hundreds of millions of dollars it’s beyond stupid to jeopardize that to get a payout a little faster.
It just seems stupid to put a time crunch on the most important phase of your investment. I don’t see how taking a greater risk of a project being a flop is worth getting the script a few weeks sooner.
And think of the vomit!