Always love seeing this one, never forget old mate and his comic
Always love seeing this one, never forget old mate and his comic
Game was worth picking up for a dollar on a 14 day Xbox PC game pass trial membership. I got to see first hand how dogshit the performance is! Look at these great numbers (medium settings, no DOF, no volumetrics, 1440p, no vsync)
Look at it absolutely obliterate my 4090 and push my 13900k to the limit. Love to see games released in this state…
It’s performance, especially on top of the line hardware (13900k + 4090) is dogshit yeah? Just so we’re under no illusions about the state this game was released in.
The icing on the cake is colossal orders gaslighting saying that there’s no practical benefit to having anything above 30 FPS, as if there’s not a tangible benefit to playing games at a smooth 60FPS compared to a sloppy 30 FPS
we are still here
Yes, people don’t leave occupied land. It’s never happened historically and certainly won’t happen now, that’s the point of occupation. People can acknowledge what happened but in practical terms thinking that somehow all native land will be returned is just naive.
So the same as literally every other country in existence yeah?
2023 still not done, plenty of room for more shit companies and situations to unfold!
Never forget that this cunt took the best parts of Reddit from us, cheers for that mate
“performance and stability improvements” 🙄
Never forget about the vicious emu war in Australia either, our shameful defeat
It’s almost time, she requires the pain of retail workers to sate her fury for the rest of the year.
Shame Reddit took such a nosedive. It’s a good reminder that no good thing last forever when an IPO is announced and it’s time to squeeze every last dollar out
Worst are the games where they expect you to use these things but make it hard to actually use them, potions in CRPGs come to mind (having to manually put potions back in your belt once you use them)
“beginner friendly” also
From the tiny amount we’ve seen of it (and what the digital foundry guys were about to discuss), it looks like DLSS3.5 with ray reconstruction may actually be a game changer, pretty ray traced lighting with inbuilt anti aliasing without a performance hit. Be keen to see how it actually looks with cyberpunk when it comes out.
Yeah but the same thing can be said about phones, it’s the new norm and for something that’ll easily last you 4-6 years, it’s a worthwhile investment I feel
It’s a shame there’s not really an equivalent comparison to the CUDA cores on AMD cards, being able to offload rendering to the GPU and getting instant feedback is so important when sculpting (without having to fall back to using eevee)
Keen to see how FSR3 ends up looking, if it comes within decent parity to DLSS3 it’s going to be amazing, considering it’s hardware agnostic so theoretically console devs can use it to boost framerates.
And I wonder if old mate and the rest of his family voted leave or stay. I’m pretty short on sympathy for self inflicted damage nowadays
Pretty happy with Brave, but I’m guessing that being a downstream chromium fork they’ll eventually be stuffed and forced into using V3?