Actually pretty normal around that time
Actually pretty normal around that time
If Christians are right no one is burning in hell
Happened on the 3DS as well
But that is only the case if the person deleted their comments before deleting their reddit account. Otherwise you will still see the comments
The type of person to do this most likely already has a 3d printer, and cad software is free for personal use. The electricity and filament cost for this part would be a few cents and it would take minutes to print on modern printers
Even if you didn’t have a 3d printer it would be significantly cheaper to use a 3d printing service to order the part, than to buy OEM replacement knob
Come on. The 1.0 release is a huge milestone, but saying it’s better than the entry level commercial options is just disingenuous.
I have actually switched over to it because I run a small 3D printing business as a side income, which isn’t nearly profitable enough to afford an onshape license, and although Fusion360 has an affordable startup license it simply won’t work on Linux and my hackintosh laptop isn’t powerful enough for cad.
It is at a point where it is very usable if you are willing to invest the time needed to learn it, but the learning curve is much, much steeper than that of OnShape or Fusion360, especially if it is your first CAD program. There is also a huge lack of beginner tutorials for it, and the documentation is intended for advanced users, which complicates the learning curve even further, because Fusion360 and OnShape have a huge amount of beginner tutorials for them.
For a hobbyist that just wants to model a few things and not sell them I would always recommend OnShape or Fusion360 over FreeCAD, or even Tinkercad if said person just wants to model extremely simple things.
There already exist wireless doorbells and smart home light switches that harness the energy of clicking the button using a piezo crystal to use for transmitting the signal. But at least the one I have has way too much resistance to use for a computer keyboard
Sewing machines are cheap and tailoring is surprisingly easy to learn. I have a very uncommon physique so pretty much nothing from a store fits me, tailoring my own clothes has been a big boost to my looks, and towards clothes feeling comfortable
OK, but it’s edge-lit and extremely tiny. You can get much better Smart TVs for less money, and then just never connect it to the internet
At least in Germany most gyms have 2 year contracts, if you want to be able to cancel your membership monthly you usually pay about twice as much
Or you only notice the obvious ones and are oblivious to all the ones you have not recognized
A short search on pubmed says that the evidence of dietary calcium intake on kidney stone formation is still inconclusive and that dietary protein and oxalate intake plays a much bigger role, second to genetics
And even if it was possible, why would it be done to her given the high mortality rate of that ritual?
Meanwhile I’m from 97 and started with a Gameboy color and Pokémon Red (although admittedly that was around the time Pokémon Ruby for the GBA got released, I just played on hand me downs from a cousin)
With iPhones yeah, but MacOS is not very locked down at all. You can run all the unsigned code you want.
Although you could argue the new Apple Silicon Macs are kind of locked down, since Apple only allows kernel extensions on the older Intel Macs
So it’s your fault Nintendo is still trying to play catch up financially
Are you aware of how much savings Nintendo has? Out of all Japanese companies they have the highest cash holding. They could literally go for 2 years without any income and still pay all of their employees wages and other expenses before running out of cash, and then they would still have all of their non-liquid assets.
Nintendo doesn’t need to catch up financially, they are doing amazing
I’ve had multiple occasions where someone on reddit was losing a debate against me and just blocked me, making it impossible to reply and giving them the “last word” to everyone else that can still see the entire comment chain.
This is not how a public forum like Reddit or Lemmy should behave. It makes sense on actual social media platforms like Instagram, but not here
This is one of the major gripes I have with Reddit. So often do people just block me when they are losing a debate against me, making it impossible to reply. A public forum should not behave this way if you want a healthy debate culture
But eggs are vegetarian. Avoiding meat is easy, but eggs are in a ton of recipes and not all of them work with egg substitutes