I think the spam phone calls are to blame. I receive a ton of them and I hate it. Thankfully, most of them filtered out automatically.
🦀Rust🦀 https://typst.app 💚
I think the spam phone calls are to blame. I receive a ton of them and I hate it. Thankfully, most of them filtered out automatically.
Why are you going? Why are you going?
The word is “searching”. ☝️🤓
Accurate. But you can’t even practically spend it.
Oh, that is 100% true. The mental model (and syntax) is much, much better, but the feature set is smol (for academic and legal stuff).
Thesis is an example. I use it for any document.
I’m using it for a year and it came a long way. Though still in beta and still have some major bummers (which require hacking). But it only came out in 2023. The next update should add a ton of QoL things, so this will be pretty exciting.
I tried this plugin, I think it’s very painful to use it format. I wrote mine in Typst.
Let me introduce Typst: https://github.com/typst/typst.
Ah, yes, a huge flashbang on my screen.
That’s my point. It still feels like a tag anyway, but a very special one. Option feels not very specific, so I used “special tag”.
Well, that can’t be changed now. People discuss NSFL in there, but I don’t know what will be the rustler of it. Maybe it will be NSFW + NSFL tag. You can always create a new issue demanding NSFL to be treated as a special tag.
OK, now I know. But I mean, it’s just not there yet: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/317. Everyone would have to wait for it.
So the issue is that there is only NSFW label and no NSFL label?
Well yeah, but it’s not a calligraphy, it’s just bad writing (and cursed word).
I would’ve translated it letter by letter (because it’s meaningless password), so it would’ve been е instead of э.
Get to work!