Would have been so perfect if not for the screwed up pluralization!
Would have been so perfect if not for the screwed up pluralization!
What oil are you using? Olive sticks even worse in my experience
I have never once cooked with a stainless steel pan and not had the food stick like crazy. Dump as much vegetable oil as you want in, let it heat up as much as you want, that tofu is sticking to the pan and getting ruined in stainless steel. I’m convinced that people who swear by stainless only ever cook meat.
There’s nonstick without pfas. Does it have other chems we have no idea about? Probably. But not pfas.
Not forgotten, too many of you guys are sellouts. They’ll die in the climate wars so they’re covered.
I’ll give you this point, they portay teenage angst pretty well. I don’t get why a grown person would welter in teenage angst, though
Lmao you’re comparing Linkin Park with the Beatles?
Music being subjective doesn’t imply all music is equally good or that everyone’s opinion is equally correct. There are still bad opinions. Saying Linkin Park is worth listening to is a bad opinion
It says a lot about people who like Linkin Park that they can’t tolerate any criticism of the band. Criticizing someone aesthetic preferences is not some great evil
Bad taste then, bad taste now. No development or change in perspective. If this is you, you should be disappointed in yourself. Grow as you age.
Edit: hahaha people did NOT like this comment. They’re BAD, guys. Whiny, cringey, melodramatic. It’s music for a 12 year old.
This is why their pizzas are so boring. One or two toppings. Come on, get creative with it, Guissepe.
It’s heavy and shitty at cooking almost anything that isn’t meat. I’ve used well-maintained 20 year old cast irons. Eggs stick. Tofu sticks. It cooks vegetables no better than a nonstick or a stainless. Completely overrated.
This is a good way to get a visit from the mailer daemon.
Am I wrong or are the cabinets way too low? How would you even fit a dish rack with dishes on the counter?
The ‘revolutionary’ one is pretty out of date. Russia couldn’t be more traditionalist.
Never had this issue when I had an iPhone. I was super annoyed by the snooze button being so big, though. Made me think I phone users must be lazy as shit. Who needs a snooze button that’s bigger than the “dismiss alarm” button?
Calzone until you bite into it. Then it’s a quiche. This is a good system and makes a lot of sense.
You also don’t really have to worry about satisfying the demands of huge multinational corporations. So it’s pretty idealized, as though capital has no undue influence on state-level political decisions.
This bullshit is why I never wear zip up sweatshirts.