Based on his violent death, we can only assume that the was trying to sell NFTs to his fellow tribesman.
Based on his violent death, we can only assume that the was trying to sell NFTs to his fellow tribesman.
A federated plattform without capital would never get as big, because they dont have the resources to attract more customers via offline ads, apps and better product development.
Just being the best or fairest platform is not enough to be successful.
Well clearly someone who is colorblind…
I think it was lead and cadmium with the Shrek drinking glasses from the 2000s, both chemicals are commonly used to paint glass mugs. This is not exclusively a McDonald’s issue, but also applies to other painted glasses (Holiday souvenirs, Sports club Merch, other drinking glasses and mugs made in china).
You might be able to buy a set of paper test strips for less than $10, but more accurate results from a lab are more expensive.
Time zone is just one indicator that doesn’t says much by itself. However if you have a handful of indicators, it becomes easier to positively identify bots.
Fraud detection for online shops works in a similar way, where they check your location, IP, delivery address and other metrics to assign a risk score to each order.
Social Networks have more meta information than you see on their frontend. It would be possible for them to find those networks based on who they follow, retweet, like and engage with. Or maybe check if they only write in German, but only post during business hours in St. Petersburg …
You need a license for that.
Large banks don’t mess around with EOL software that has a risk of vulnerabilities
Well, more complex modern software has an higher risk of (yet unknown) vulnerabilities.
It can make sense if the dryer can talk to the power meter, and only turn on if the electricity is cheap.
It’s a reccuring fad. In the 80s, ever household appliance used to get a digital clock as “feature”.
That is not important. They sell attention from millions of users to advertisers, just like Facebook, google, YouTube, TikTok, …
The resolution from satellite images you see on public information is always worse than the true resolution the intelligence agencies get from their satellites.
I had read an article in the 90s that they can read the newspaper headlines from Low earth orbit, the can probably do more by now with modern technology and some image upscaling…
Not sure how many tourists would want to see the rebuild, straight tower of bologna.
How else would you play 30 minutes of your own music in a car?
Is it ok if i report this video for disinformation on youtube?
2 cigarettes and a glass of wine is a breakfast in France.
I don’t think it will disappear, because it’s intentionally designed to be addictive, making it hard to quit.
I dont belive so. Pretty much all the big tobacco companies now also own vaping brands, which are advertised with large budgets - pretty similar to the 80’s/90’s where smoking companies would spend big money on billboards and magazine ads (look up “popular mechanics” from that time on google books and pay attention to the full page ads), but nowdays it’s targeted online ads and influeners.
Vaping is still “new” so its less regulated. Profit margins are high. There is at least one brand that offers a “subscription service” where you get delivered your favorite vaping refills by mail. They will advertise vapes to try to grow their market as long as they can, or as long as regulations don’t prevent it. Unfortunately even the goverment suggest to vaping as “healtier” alternative to smoking.
Source: one of my ex-employers for ecommerce solutions with a very flexible moral compass had one of the vaping brands as a customer.
“I was just trolling” - a 12 year old after he realizes he just said something stupid.