It is true that some podcasts make money via other means, for sure. I didn’t intend to say all podcasts, but many (most?) do have ads as the only way they make money. However, do you not want a Sponsorblock for others so you can have your cake and eat it too, just like you do now with adblockers? That’s how you really give them the middle finger.
That’s just not true. There will always be ads in podcasts, no matter if I listen to them or not; it’s how they make money. That’s not apathetic, it’s a fact. If someone made a sponsorblock for podcasts, it would help immensely, which is what my original comment was about. Blaming one single person for there being ads in podcasts is something else.
Unfortunately, the masses will still listen, so myself not listening will do jack-shit. The real way to do that would be a service or app that strips them out entirely.
If you have some magical podcast app that can do that I would love to know what it’s called.
Pets are a lot for sure, and you shouldn’t have them if you don’t have the capacity or bandwidth to care for them. That being said, my pets have drastically helped my mental health. I can’t imagine what going through the quarantine would have been like without them.
Hey, if it ends up saving time and stress after those two days it was worthwhile.
Those budgets get changed constantly, and if you think Trump and the GOP won’t change them you’re a bigger idiot than I initially realized.
I’m very aware it’s bipartisan, do you think that there are no progressives in congress? Also, that kind of defeats your own logic - since congress is bipartisan and will continue to vote for more weapons to Israel, Trump will not stop a single shipment and will actively lobby congress members to create more bills for more weapons. That is exactly the point people are trying to get inside your head: that Trump will only accelerate the shipments. You’re so close to realizing the truth, but I doubt you’ll do it.
I’m not going to continue to explain to you how US politics work and how single issue voting supports Trump. That’s on you, it’s not libel if you just can’t understand politics. Keep supporting him by proxy though, I’m sure that will end well for Palestine.
She is status quo, and therefore better than Trump who is worse than status quo in every subject. She’s not better for Palestine in general, but she is better than Trump for Palestine.
Anyway, I’m done explaining the basics to you. You know who I’m voting for, and I know you’ll throw your vote away to empower Trump, so at least we’re on the same page there.
He will make it worse, because he is a fascist. It’s not magic, basic knowledge of how congress and fascism work. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it “magic”.
They are not fully Zionist (there are multiple progressive reps in congress), and if you think that they’re the same as the GOP on this then you are either not from the US or are not aware of how US politics work. And if you are living here in the US, I’m sorry that our education system failed you and that you are being taken advantage of by the GOP. I hope you’ll retrospect and realize that single issue voting is not the play and only serves to hurt those around you. But you probably won’t, you’d rather cry and put your head in the sand while you and Palestine get shit on by the GOP.
That’s not what you said. You originally said “cease the genocide”, which neither candidate will do and no one here is saying otherwise.
You do realize how congress works, right? If Trump wins, the house is probably going to stay red, and the Senate could easily flip to red as well. Then, all Trump has to do is say the word and suddenly the schedule for bombing Palestine has changed.
You did defend Trump, covering your eyes and plugging your ears over it doesn’t help.
I’m not going to continue to explain the basics of US politics and government to you. If you can’t understand how electing Trump or voting for a third party hurts Palestine, then it’s hopeless to continue to try. You are a lost cause, single issue voter. I don’t care if you care who I’m voting for, because you can’t seem to grasp the basics of politics in general. I’m voting for her because if I don’t, I will lose my own rights and be unable to help those who have already lost theirs.
No, but he has full power to be able to alter the schedule to send more bombs. That’s the point that you can’t seem to realize - he hates Palestine and would love to get closer with the nationalists in Israel. He would do everything in his power to allow more and more shipments from our bottomless inventory of weaponry.
Do you want the Zionists to be given bombs more often? Because voting for Trump or a third party will get you there.
I’m not going to upload a profile picture so that you can avoid reading.
Trump will give the military industrial complex more money. Look at what you’re doing now, you’re literally defending Trump. That’s a huge red flag, and you should maybe look at yourself and see why you are now defending him.
Did I say my vote would help Palenstine? No. I said it would keep the status quo, and that if Trump was elected it would only accelerate the genocide and also hurt myself and my queer friends. Are you a single issue voter?
Our two options are Trump or Kamala. There’s no chance a third party will win (by design). So, of those two, I definitely know who I’m voting for.
Yep, you’re right that she wouldn’t win and you would be propping up Trump by voting for her. I don’t see any “liberals” saying she’ll stop the genocide, either. I only see you bringing up that point in this thread.
Did I say that she would cease the genocide? Do you always just put words in other people’s mouths? That’s a poor strategy for getting people to listen to you.
Palestine will continue to be genocided. Do you want the genocide to go faster (Trump) or stay at the same speed? If you want it to go faster, you can just say to vote for Trump (and a vote for a third party will give power to those voting for Trump, so the same result).
Where did I say that she was “Palenstine’s best hope for continued existence”? I said nothing of the sort, so thanks for putting words in my mouth. The truth of the matter is that the US will always send Israel bombs, but one candidate will do it more than the other. Palestine is fucked either way, unfortunately.
Third parties will not win, Trump will not be any better for Palestine than Kamala, and Kamala at least has better domestic policy anyway. I don’t feel guilty for voting for her when the other candidate literally wants me any my queer friends dead, along with Palestine. Sorry, not sorry.
I’ve only ever had spooled stranded cable (with solid copper strands). It’s very good for making patch cables.