What can a straight, white guy do to prepare?
No, no. This was Li’l B’s blueprint from the outset. Li’l B has bitches and sex every day. That’s how he became BasedGod. It’s like One Punch Man.
I’m not making this up.
Based God, Li’l B is 34, so don’t feel bad
The problem with a pedophile marrying a child is that it’s all downhill for the next seventy or eighty years potentially.
They let you shit in a box and mail it now.
But remember, there is a specific lab you’re supposed to send it to.
Your description sounds very aggressive.
#"🇺🇸 Nationalize the Auto Industry 🇺🇸 "
sounds happy and patriotic.
I want a woman to look at me the way she looks at her brother.
“Meesa finna nutt!”
Sis has some hungry eyes
Bro is playing it cool
Just like Tom Cruise’s middle tooth