Wasn’t windows xp PC2
Wasn’t windows xp PC2
Why is it Batman’s duty to forfeit his morals and kill the Joker and not on the state of New Jersey for their revolving door of crime in their penitentiaries like blackwater and appalling lack of proper facilities to deal with dangerous and deranged meta humans instead sticking them in a rotting facility made in the 20’s.
Hell why isn’t this on the federal government after so many years of chronic and sustained neglect. They have what amounts to a nightmare scenario for the department of defense and just let it sit like a festering wound.
Why do we blame a single crazy billionaire, instead of the horrendous circumstances surrounding them.
I am not defending this practice at all, but I do think that they have sending written on them in black that the camera and compression have hidden. You don’t want to give the plebs a black and white reason to revolt.
Edit: zoomed in on the hi res version, they are holiday off.