Consider the phrase “be real with me” colloquially means “be honest with me”. Also “real talk”, “your real self”, etc.
How can mirrors be honest if our eyes aren’t honest?
Kid wasn’t wrong, in fact, was quite right. People are in denial about their outward appearances never mind other things) all the time. People with anorexia see themselves as overweight when they may actually be dangerously underweight. People think they’re ugly when they’re not. (Conversely, may think they’re really hot about when they’re not.)
Perhaps someone can help me understand the difference between an anthropromorphic animal mascot (which as a tale as old as time) and a furry? When does one cease to be one and becomes another?
There are animal mascots all the time in sports. Why is that not weird, but it’s weird to have a sporty animal mascot for coins?