Could someone elaborate which empire this used to be, for the non-US users? 🙂
Could someone elaborate which empire this used to be, for the non-US users? 🙂
Spice up that food with some yummy tape worm eggs. 🌶️
I’ll just continue referring to it as Twitter. If Musk insists on deadnaming his kid, I’ll keep on deadnaming his adopted child.
My laptop refuses to go beyond 30hz on 5120*1440, so Wayland and X11 both feel laggy. But at least X11 is stable, can’t say the same for Wayland, no matter how much I want to like it.
Damn, that morning coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. Even despite the context it took me a few seconds to realise you meant Secret Service, not Schutzstaffel. Although the latter feels awfully appropriate when we’re talking about Trump.
Somehow in my mind he’s still in his early 60’s. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that he’s 80 years old already, guess I’m getting old myself.
“You’re not being sacked, no, we are releasing you into a world of opportunity!” Yes, a friend of mine actually heard that one a while ago when he was ‘let go’. 🤨
Just don’t give them any ideas, before you know it they’ll start selling bullets for a monthly fee: ‘HP Insta Kill’.
And mistreating fellow actresses, “because that’s what my character would do and I’m a method actor”, bad.
Forcefully mutating innocent larvae to bee larvae and silkworms and forcing them to work for me indefinitely while I ship off the fruits of their labour and cash in those sweet, sweet Terra Tokens.
Screw those critters, I terraformed this planet, gave them life and I’ll most certainly make sure to exploit every single one of them. My only regret is not being able to lick all the neon coloured frogs, that should give a nice trip.
Okay, perhaps I should cut down on my Planet Crafter time…
Either watch ads or pay for Premium
Unfortunately though it is ‘pay for Premium and still watch ads’. So many videos have the ads baked in by the content creators. Yes, you can manually seek forward, but that’s annoying and defeating the purpose of Premium. Especially for the price they ask in my country.
Either watch ads or pay for Premium. Or don’t watch Youtube. Those are the three choices most people will have. And it’s Youtube’s right as a private platform to give them those choices.
I fully agree, never suggested otherwise. But fortunately free speech allows us to have an opinion about a product.
5 bucks? If only… It’s 12 euros per month here, which is simply too expensive for the kind of content I watch on YT. Especially considering the amount of baked in product placement (VPN, diet plans, that kind of crap) that I come across, I’m not paying that kind of money just to still get hammered with commercials. Sorry, but YouTube Premium is a bad deal here.
Also U.S.: Don’t worry, all will be forgiven if you are able to get our space program off the ground! 📎
I’m Dutch, feel free to put us in the same group. They way we drown our potatoes in gravy absolutely is a crime against food.
Ironically the kid looks like he is saying his last tearful goodbyes to a tree that is about to be cut down to make room for a bunch of billboards…
Don’t forget about .ape.
There’s no arguing that, totally agree!
Actually they started out with building reed organs. Pianos came after that.