Its similar to a rickroll, its funny to poke other ppl with this meme.
Its similar to a rickroll, its funny to poke other ppl with this meme.
Progress update, been going out with friends a bunch, every weekend, concert, movies n shiz. Invited friends to my house for a party n shiz and was fun, got laid with one of the friends I’ve been hanging out the most. It’s chill tho it’s kinda a bit of friends with benefits, but ahahaha they’re like sooo much nicer and sweeter with hella more interests in common compared to my last ex. I wont end up dating them cuz I just wanna have friends but it makes me happy knowing that my standards could be way higher for next time.
I’ve been feeling hella more self motivated and awake, more than ever. Going from an online relationship to actually going out n shiz is like the best thing I’ve done. It’s tragic how my last relationship ended but now I’m a bit more glad it happened. Still friends with them msg them ocassionally but I had taken a long break from them to reset my mindset.
I’m enjoying my friends, the one friend with benefits might end up to come back to bite me in the ass due to getting feelings but we’re still being good friends and they already asked if I wanna hang out this weekend again ahahah. Life good atm, but will def get a therapist at some point.
Man I need a therapist fr, leaving ex to take care of my self, lots of anxiety xd
Architecture was moved to a STEM field in 2019. I haven’t had trouble with math, but due to the lack of exposure to it in architecture, I didn’t do good on the math exam needed for stem fields lmfao
Unfortunately it really is cause it hasn’t gotten the 10+ years of dlc updates yet
What’s so good a out outer wilds? What’s so appealing?
So basically baby boomers had it easy
Oh god essex really has gone through a new meaning
Send pic of ur world!
Vintage story <3
Great home
I’d love to be able to dance and do art for fun! Wow that’d be awesome, but in the real world people have to make money to pay for their living.
The rich demographic in artists is as much as any demographic of people, they are not the majority, ever heard of the “struggling artis” stereotype.
Art is a form of communication, and automating it so heavily takes the beauty out of it, it’s as if you didn’t have to text your friends and loved ones cause an AI knows exactly how you would reply, so you and your friends don’t really interact through text. It takes away the fun of interacting with the other.
Also think of it without the emotional part, why aren’t we automating all the hard labor and leaving humans to do the art? How things are going, the common person is gonna just be left to be able to earn a living by doing infinitely repetitive and emotionless tasks. Fundamentally, that sounds like a horrible way to live, and you should also be disgusted by the potential if AI is removing what fulfillment we are able to have as people.
Coworker straight up admits he feels safe in his truck, he feels like he gon die if he drives a smaller car
Couldn’t a company be easily be hacked if someone put a monitoring program in a usb and just casually drops it near the entrance of an office?
Employees might be curious enough to try plugging it in.
Gud book, getting the same vibe rn by Life and death of great American cities by Jane jacobs
The most consistent one for me is knocking on it with my knuckle, if it sounds more hollow than the others then its good