“God created Eve from ’aḥat miṣṣal‘otaiv (אַחַת מִצַּלְעֹתָיו), traditionally translated as “one of his ribs”. The term can mean curve, limp, adversity and side.”, per Wikipedia
Different sources somehow use different words, so I’m curious what the actual words were.
Not an actual argument from your point, as it can still be translated as side, but the video and all other instances I can find differ on the actual words used.
But this is why language context matters, a word being able to be used in multiple ways muddies the waters of intention when viewed from a perspective of 2500 years later.
You’re all making jokes about how obvious this is, however I would argue that it’s still a very important thing to study and an important thing to say.
So many people pull out the suicide statistics of trans people, and for anyone with a brain, would understand that the rates of suicide are so high is because of the ratio of people who hate them simply for existing. How many times can you be told to fucking kill yourself before you do, huh?
This study validates that not telling kids to kill themselves, and and having loving parents is the “secret” to bringing down rates of depression and suicide.
So for everyone with a brain this is pretty god damned obvious, it’s sad that it needs to be said, but it does still need to.