I haven’t been carded in years and I’m 27. I think it’s the beard.
I haven’t been carded in years and I’m 27. I think it’s the beard.
Not particularly. Male cats get sleepier but overall I haven’t found behavior changes much.
On the other hand, imagine being horny all the time with no thumbs to masturbate
also, I’m leaking CFCs and trying to claw a hole in the ozone
Do you guys pronounce the L in salmonella?
Olives are great. Raisins taste how old people smell.
implying “the covid years” are over
‘Not being into politics’ is the most ridiculous position you can possibly take.
Linguists are such basic removed
The point is that All Lives Matter is also in ‘poor taste’. About 250 Black people are shot by police every year, so there’s been well over 5,000 Black people killed since 9/11—yet the same people who give that tired old ‘all lives matter’ line are also the ones who say ‘never forget’.
Most jobs do nothing to actually help society. Our society is not designed towards the benefit of the many but towards the generation of capital. Those sometimes overlap, but usually they don’t.
The commies were here first—we created Lemmy, lol
It’s very first-world of you that access to garbage like Reddit or Twitter is apparently more important than the single greatest reduction of poverty in human history—and even more typical that you are either ignorant of or deliberately ignoring the hundred years of precedent that says China is utterly correct in believing the West would abuse the lowering of the Great Firewall to try and foment reactionary revolt.
people like you are the reason we, as a society, spend so much time playing phone tag
This comment is deeply ironic
You realize that claiming he was ‘violently executed’ is complete supposition on your part, right? There’s no non-circumstantial evidence to support that claim.