I simply zip up before getting out of the stall or move away from the bidet to go wash my hands lol
I simply zip up before getting out of the stall or move away from the bidet to go wash my hands lol
My phone is starting to take better document pictures than my printer. Especially if I hold my phone steady at the right height. I bet if I used a 3D printer to create a stand to hold it for me. Heck I could buy a giant bucket or rack or whatever and bright high color index lights to further improve image clarity to ungodly levels. Still, the Samsung camera app with the AI features already being preloaded that will likely be improved in the next 5 years will just get better. Printers and scanners are completely a pita.
So true, I like tech stuff and even on Lemmy where people are more tech literate, there is mostly just porn politics and memes. I do still like putting in some high quality comments. Allows me to forget about the current state of things.
Top is proprietary llms vs bottom self hosted llms. Bothe end with you getting smacked in the face but one looks far cooler or smarter to do, while the other one is streamlined web app that gets you there in one step.
according to the US gov, C and C++ pose a threat to national security because they are a “memory unsafe” language. I hope you can recover from all the pain and memory leaks you had to endure by transitioning to Rust. /s
Amazingly enough getting hard is a valid strategy as your tube does become more open… But still that’s like something I don’t think would work lol
I might have read the post from mastodon wrong, but I thought it was hinting at how it would use ai models to bypass restrictions by utilizing these models to change the ad to be undetectable by blockers. Not strictly for personalization
women are very good to have stripped and they are doing proper procedure for the next time I need ❤️
Oh, no
Dead internet theory or the government thinks there are people here to track. What a paradox, lol
The loud few idoits fucking over the quiet majority.
Yes, but people forget about this often and still have social stigma against thrash men. Good luck saving lives by moving the thrash to a giant pile called the landfill(or thrash dump). Can’t save lives without engineers building the tools. Can’t save lives without funding. Can’t save lives without everyone involved. Yet it’s doctors that get idolized as if it’s the perfect and only right path in life.
Is wearing a mask with a proper filter, not an option?
It’s a complex subject. Have to break it down to smaller pieces.
Being a doctor is glorified because there are huge benefits attached. Especially when you think about the benefits for the people around them, such as family and friends. Not to mention the fact that sounding smart can make others feel inadequate in a doctor’s presence. Knowing you are a doctor means that you know how difficult it was to reach it. However, as you mentioned, it is not as beneficial for the individual. Instead, it is beneficial for society, friends, immediate family, and the rich people. Rich people are more emotionally invested to save their ass than leaving an area that got more dirty, bad food, poor service, or painless transaction. With a doctor, he is the only one who you can rely on to save your ass. So no shitting on those jobs makes no sense, but it does make more sense why some are not getting anyone talking shit about. It’s a different extreme, one where there is a lack of shitting on a doctor vs. other jobs.
Or in certain contexts “fuck shit up and pray it works”
Sounds like good advice, but most guys with chub can still land a woman.
Is it more important not to do it at the workplace or other non-social settings. Also, looking nice, (think about having it done professionally) is a must for good impressions, especially first impressions. Along top of that, just training the charisma without worrying about someone’s feelings being hurt is a great way to practice. Usually with friends, but can be done with random people as long as you pick your battles and don’t push them aggressively. Not greatest advice, but making friends, being funny, and standing your ground on your beliefs will land you the right one. Don’t chase a pretty girl. That’s just asking for trouble.
Me too, thx for putting it into words what I felt
Ah the chaos theory reasoning. There can’t be anything perfect when thinking about it as a whole but you can find sections in a diversified area that are mostly perfect at some point in time but nothing ever lasts.