If the people have the awareness, they’ll probably not vote like that, right?
Unless there’s some greater/immediate concern for them
A person who’s from r/ലാൽ_സലാം and r/കേരള
If the people have the awareness, they’ll probably not vote like that, right?
Unless there’s some greater/immediate concern for them
Then they should smartly increase awareness in the public and make changes, right?
Why would you burn oil rigs tho?
Wouldn’t you want them to be used more carefully, with proper pollution control?
Or was it near people’s homes, who were getting health issues?
Do you want a state massacre of leftists?
I don’t know much of American history, but have heard of McCarthyism n all. They purged leftists based on doubts.
If one tried to take out someone who is now an elected leader, then they’d be doing the stuff they did in Indonesia and Guatemala, mass killings.
Even if the ends are the same, how it reaches there and how long it takes to reach there are also concerns
What about the intermediate results?
I have heard that your people saw a significant drop in life expectancy and related HDI parameters after the dissolution.
Is it like that? What is your view on it?
State violence should not be validated
A recent mainstream example would be the Jan 6 protests in USAmerica. The protest about concerns regarding the legitamacy of the USA’s elections was maligned as domestic terrorism and a coup-attempt by some, right?
A protestor got fatally shot and killed by the state appartus.
CW: Suicide
4 police officers involved who were involved in the suppression took their own lives too. Likely due to strain they faced from the state appartus.
Whether peaceful protests are allowed is a basic litmus for any modern democracy. All these incidents show how democratic checks and balances are required to discourage the violent arm of the state.
Would this be an example of how it could be seen in different pov’s?
I do oppose state violence, but I doubt Western narratives too.
In my case, it would be that
Is that a reference to the source of the image?
Which country are you from?
Wouldn’t that be difficult if you don’t already have some political hold or bribe money?
Is the picture of Lenin from any documentary?
Can’t resources be redistributed or brought under democratic control, especially from the extreme hoarders who hoard stuff too much?
What’s the best way to react to them? Other than wars n fights.
They were probably very shocked that Europe(
Britain, France, Fascist Italy etc) allowed Nazi Germany and Poland to annex and divide Czechoslovakia between themselves.
I’m also glad that the soviets still chose to be overall decent even after things like that.
Touching another person’s private parts as a joke?
Please do share/recommend some resources that you find useful. Especially for beginners.
Cool. Which are your fav movies and shows?