Yeah after seeing videos of those forks damaging things like metal shelving upon collision, I don’t ever want to be in front of one moving at speed.
My axe was getting a bit dull.
My favorite sparkling water so far is Topo Chico. La Croix may be less expensive though.
If it’s not taped incredibly well, you can pry it open. It’s hard if they actually used good tape and/or a lot of tape to close it.
Where is BSD? I feel like there are still steps before you reach TempleOS.
For how janky driverless cars can be, I am not optimistic that we’re close. I wouldn’t want a huge bus full of people getting confused on the road. If driverless cars didn’t require so much human intervention to function normally, I would have a different feeling.
Go forth and forge your own destiny, free of stereotypes. Or just be Alex from YIIK idk.
Not every enterprise runs crowdstrike, so it’s not Microsoft’s fault. I was having trouble finding out what happened because our computers were working normally, lol. The XKCD comic tipped me off.
Not only has Necromancy been banned in the Mages Guild, but the Guild won’t deal with anyone who openly uses it.
Punching coins into people. Shooting coins. Throwing coins everywhere. Lots of coin based violence.
You can test drive the car before you buy though. I did some months ago, though I didn’t end up buying it.
Granted, you don’t try the exact vehicle that you’ll be buying. You used to be able to return the vehicle within 7 days, but it looks like they canceled that policy.
Starfield: Sorry, but you have to change your gender to fix your weapons.
Communist Penguins are a pretty good symbol for most of the users on Lemmy. (Or maybe just the most vocal users.)
Didn’t biologists help develop biological weapons? I don’t know if I’d hold this against physics. Science has been used for evil in all fields: physicists just discovered the world ending weapon first.