Some of these depend on dialect - where my family is from, gaunt and aunt rhyme, for example.
Of course, that makes it worse, not better :P
Programmer, graduate student, and gamer. I’m also learning French and love any opportunity to practice :)
Some of these depend on dialect - where my family is from, gaunt and aunt rhyme, for example.
Of course, that makes it worse, not better :P
I’m a computer scientist mainly but with a heavy focus/interest in computer architecture. My plan is to teach at a university at this point - but it seems to me like that would be a good place to create completely open standards technology from.^1Specifically because if the point isn’t to make money, there’s no reason to create walled gardens.
There’s certainly enough interest from people who want to be able to build their own systems. What would actually worry me isn’t the ability to make a new open standard or any of that. It’s that AMD64 is very hard to compete with in this space, because the processors are just faster, and there is so much x86 software that people who build PCs usually want access to.
AMD64’s performance is the result of years and years of optimizations and patenting new hardware techniques, followed by aggressively litigating people trying to compete. ARM performance is catching up but ARM prefers licensing their core IP over making their own systems, making it harder for them to break into the PC space even if they want to.
A new player would be in for a long, long time of unprofitable work just to compete with AMD64 - which most people are still happy with anyway.
^1 some others and I are actually working on some new ISA / open soft processors for it. However it is focused at an educational setting and unlikely to ever be used outside of embedded devices at most.
The s in « s’appelle » is the (reflexive) pronoun « se », whereas the t in « t’appelles » is « te ». It’s the difference between “what does he call himself” and “what do you call yourself.”
The Quebec thing would be « comment tu t’appelles-tu ? » where the second « tu » is a question marker, not a pronoun (but also I don’t think I’ve ever heard that form used for this question).
Invidious does use a YouTube API. FreeTube uses Invidious, so probably same story there. I don’t know about the others.
I recently had a back and forth with one of invidious’s developers. Judge for yourself.
To his credit, Ohanian hasn’t been involved with reddit for a while. He and u/spez sold the company years ago, then spez came back.
“Valid” and “disingenuous” mean very different things. How would you feel about editing that README point to be explicit that you use an unofficial undocumented YouTube API?
For the record, I don’t think “InnerTube” would be considered unofficial, legally. It’s authorized by YouTube, since they made and use it internally. That’s the definition of “official.” This is a small part of why I think the wording in the TOS makes the TOS apply to “InnerTube.” What makes you think that it doesn’t?
I’ve replied to that, I’m not satisfied. It’s a bit of a wall of text though.
TL;DR: “clean room reverse engineering” has a specific definition and I don’t believe it applies here. I do believe that the cited TOS applies to an internal API endpoint which is publicly accessible. Both things spell trouble.
I also take issue with the phrase “does not use official YouTube APIs” in the readme, but maybe that’s pedantry between “official” and “documented.”
That makes Invidious’ readme (which claims no YouTube APIs at all) disingenuous at the very least.
More likely, you need a lawyer. I read that TOS, and I think it applies to any YouTube API endpoint, internal or otherwise. Best of luck, because I agree with Invidious’ goals…
Side note: a browser communicating with YouTube would be communicating with youtube. Not with or whatever. What I’m seeing is that Invidious tries to act like the youtube service itself, which is very different from acting like a browser.
Edit: I’ve spent about 5 minutes over an hour looking for EU case law about this but haven’t been able to find anything except un-cited references to an exception for “producing interoperable devices.” Do you have sources? In the United States, at least, “clean room reverse engineering” has a pretty specific definition that follows four steps:
I don’t think what you’re doing meets that definition. You achieved step 1, and possibly step 2, and then didn’t attempt the others. You reverse engineered something for the purpose of using it - but you haven’t actually reimplemented it, which is the “clean room” part of “clean room reverse engineering.” Re-implementing it would presumably require building your own server for actually hosting videos on Invidious instances.
There’s quite a history of this term in the US, going back to even before Intel vs. NEC, when it was very much in the public eye. NEC had designed a microprocessor with the same instruction set as the popular Intel 8080 [same instruction set = interoperability]. Internally, both devices use “microcode” to drive their execution. In the analogy, that microcode is the “InnerTube” API. NEC’s “V20” device was quite different from the 8080, and needed its own microcode. Intel claimed that NEC violated Intel’s copyright by basing NEC’s microcode on the 8080’s. As part of arguing this, NEC rewrote their microcode from scratch following proper cleanroom procedure, and the decision in the case partly relies on this to decide that NEC is in the clear. Had NEC simply injected the 8080 microcode into their NEC-V20 device directly, the case would probably have gone very differently. It would also be a very different case, because the NEC-V20 device would look completely different.
You didn’t re-implement InnerTube. You injected InnerTube into your own service. Had you re-implemented InnerTube as part of Invidious, Invidious would look completely different.
Anyway, all that aside, even if what you’re doing did meet the conditions of clean-room reverse engineering, I don’t think it would fall under the (again, un-cited, so maybe we’re talking about different things) interoperability exception in the EU. You’re not producing a device/service that needs to be interoperable with other devices/services. You’re producing a service with an explicit goal of operating differently.
To be clear, IANAL, but your reasoning seems shaky.
It’s certainly possible to scrape data from interactions with a site directly, without using its API. This is even legal - there were no gymnastics in my response there. However, that decision has since been remanded, then re-affirmed, then challenged, and then LinkedIn obtained an injuction against HiQ which the two of them are still fighting over. So it could get properly overturned.
I definitely thought it seemed like it would be difficult to do this to offer a youtube frontend, but plausible enough that I didn’t look into it. Thank you for this. I’m looking more closely now :)
If they are using undocumented internal APIs, do YouTube’s API TOS apply to those? I checked the text of the TOS and it seems to me like it should apply; they say “The YouTube API services … made available by YouTube including …”. That seems broad enough to me to cover internal APIs as well, if their endpoints are accessible, but IANAL.
Also, the open response to the C&D seems to throw shade at the TOS saying “The “YouTube API Services” means (i) the YouTube API services” but ignores that this is immediately followed by parenthetical examples and qualifiers. The TOS is defining the term so that it doesn’t have to repeatedly add the qualifiers. Nothing weird about that. That’s uh… pretty bad-faith arguing, if I’m interpreting it correctly.
Edit: assuming you refer to the same reverse engineering points that they made above… yeah.
They’ve (convincingly) followed up above. I’m hoping the contributors to Invidious can clear this up. If no one replies here, I’ll open an issue on Invidious’ GitHub page asking that clarification be added to the readme on how their YoutubeAPI wrapper is not using an official YouTube API.
I’ll admit I hadn’t seen that, and that I was just echoing what TheFrenchGhosty said. That sure does look like official API access. They also seem to make calls through that wrapper to access comments and plenty of other things, so it’s not just sitting there unused.
Thankfully, TheFrenchGhosty is on the Fediverse, so let’s ask them: (not sure which one of these to use) How is this not using an official YouTube API?
The README and the refute of YouTube’s C&D letter both claim that Invidious doesn’t use YouTube’s APIs at all - not merely that the response creation/interpretation was reverse-engineered. Obviously, the TOS applies to the fact that you interact with the API, not whether you access it manually or with the help of some code pre-prepared by Google. Yet it seems that other people have vetted you and not raised this issue. So I’m assuming we’re simply misunderstanding here, and hoping you can clear it up.
It’s not dismissible on NSFW content - this includes things that are not actually 18+ such as r/chairsunderwater posts where the chair is… Not Fully Submerged underWater.
I think it is impressive - I am literally impressed.
They managed to take a service that many people considered the single point-of-access to the internet, and killed the site for those people in under a month.
Make sure it actually overwrote all your comments. PowerDeleteSuite doesn’t respect the edit rate limit. I used a fork which runs much slower but respects the limit.
Also, it’s a good idea to wait several days between the editing and deleting your account. Many users on reddit were suggesting that reddit holds on to pre-edit text for a while. Obviously archives hold onto it forever, but if your goal is to deny your content to reddit, that’s orthogonal.
Are you asking who believes that signal is the gold standard? Other encrypted chat services implement “the signal protocol” now, so… if not gold, it’s at least standard.
Well sovereign citizen argument is just plain stupid; “I live on your soil but your laws don’t apply to me because I say so.”
Here, youtube is claiming something specific (that Invidious violates a TOS agreement which Invidious agreed to) which is verifiably false - Invidious never agreed to the TOS for the API, and doesn’t have to, because Invidious doesn’t use the API. Invidious works by communicating with YouTube and scraping data from the responses. There’s legal precedent that this is legal (although, LinkedIn’s ongoing battle with HiQ may overturn that precedent, but it hasn’t yet). That’s one of the reasons that most services like youtube offer an affordable API in the first place - 3rd party tools using web scraping is much more expensive for them.
YouTube could still potentially legally force them to stop by changing the TOS of the service itself, but there could be other implications of that, so we’ll see what happens. As FOSS, it’s unclear what they would even do, there are hundreds of hosts.
They are not allowing moderators to remove replies based solely on the fact that they were written by AI, regardless of how much evidence there is to that fact.
I only ever interact with stackoverflow to read like 10-year-old responses to random problems I run into and even I want the moderators to mutiny over that. It’s arguably more serious than what Reddit is doing, because in many ways SE is the unsung backbone of technology at the moment. AI responses to technical questions are almost always wrong in some important way (even if the main idea is correct) and no moderator or group of moderators can be expected to have sufficiently broad knowledge to always know that an answer is wrong.
Right… and obviously spez’s end goal here is to cash out. At which point he is presumably planning on quitting anyway.
“quantum teleportation” is the correct technical term. The problem is articles being written by people who don’t realize this is a technical term that needs explanation.