Get off your high horse bike and fuck off somewhere
Get off your high horse bike and fuck off somewhere
What is the advantage of this over olm/megolm?
XMPP is used in many, many places. It’s just not usually explicitly known that the backend is using that protocol
deleted by creator
Lol fuck pigs, fuck blue lives, fuck ALL THE COPS
ACAB get fucked piggy pig
It’s INSANELY popular in Iran and pushed hard by the service providers
WHAT is up with that shit anyway? It’s so annoying
Considering the hardware of the PC, fat chance Unix would run. They’d have to make a very cut down somewhat unix- resembling OS
Microsoft was originally contracted by IBM to develop an operating system for PC. Yes, THE original IBM PC that gave PC it’s name. The IBM PC/DOS {and MSDOS} are basically results of this (they completed with CP/M and DR-DOS).
Microsoft and IBM had a partnership on PC operating systems until they parted with IBM OS/2 and Windows NT
I’m typing all of this from memory so go to Wikipedia for accurate shit
Honestly, why people hate it so much? It’s better than most of the shit people use
Somehow it’s shit on 60Hz displays. My 120Hz display phone, it’s quite snappy. But on my older 60Hz display phone, it’s unnaturally slow. If your phone isn’t HRR, then maybe this is it? I don’t quite know wtf is wrong with it
Oh no fuck that. I live in a country where fucking roadside peddlers and adjacent businesses have basically turned the street into their business and I can easily say I prefer the cars. It’s fucking terrible.