I used to go to a local book store, until they stopped stocking any new science fiction. Then they went out of business and I was forced to buy books at Amazon as there was no other book store to go to.
I used to go to a local book store, until they stopped stocking any new science fiction. Then they went out of business and I was forced to buy books at Amazon as there was no other book store to go to.
Trump only has two expressions: Smug gloating, and grumpy. That smile is a photoshop.
Pilsner is not the only alternative to IPA.
K being 1024 only makes sense for RAM and ROM which are addressed with a particular number of address lines where the addressable size is 2^(number of address bits). Flash memory, and rotating media have entirely different addressing structures so normal SI units work bettor for them, and just about everything else.
As long as no cats have been there, probably no harm.
South of King City the 101 has been “under construction” for at least two years. I have not seen any evidence of any change to the road in that time. Just the 55 MPH speed limit where it used to be 70.
My biggest complaint about IPAs is that they have pushed out nearly every other type of beer. Go to a restaurant and they will have 10 IPAs one pilsner (probably Budwiser), a brown ail and no other options.
Typical walking speed is about 2.5 to 3 MPH suppose your government legislated a universal walking speed limit of 1.5 MPH. I think you can easily see that ridiculous laws create offenders, and the offenders are the victim of bad laws.