You might say that term is a bit of a time warp.
Yet getting hernia corrected is $16,000. $900 barely pays the rent for a month anywhere in the country.
When the cost of living is so high the cost of dying needs to be levied on the ones responsible.
When I saw my first textbook that had an XKCD comic in it I had A little bit of a squeal of joy. I’m old What do I know.
“Holmgard and beyond! That’s where the winds will us guide!!”
Is she from the Maxx? It was an animated show on MTV a long time ago. Her name is Sarah and there’s a whole part where she gets a gun to defend herself but she always comes across as a little bit deranged.
This is the cow from all those physics experiments.
"Women are so good to me but I’m going on the road and the other day and I will get back in touch and get some sleep in a few days "
Straight to the top of the thread for you.
I’ve worked in 2 different schools in the IT department and 4 others as a volunteer lecturer (I got a name tag that said Technology Evangelist) I found that putting an analog clock on the screen saver of computers in the classroom was more likely to result in the clock actually being on time.
Too many clocks in classrooms are very old or even battery powered but neglected.
I don’t think kids are dumb just they aren’t getting a world that is properly maintained by competent people that care about their work and are adequately resourced to do the whole job.
See they’re having us fill the whole back up again. This isn’t a mass grave. They’re just putting us to work! See creating jobs why complain?
You can vote for The guy who says Tut Tut to the genocidal madman or the guy that says, “finish the job”.
There are also other issues at play. They are both a vote for genocide but one of them would like to bring that here there and everywhere!
We have stopped sending weapons to Ukraine but have continued sending weapons to Israel.
Nothing about what you describe as is cut and dry as you are describing it. The easiest way to protect global trade from pirates would be to stop using global trade to arm psychopaths.
I don’t know if you’ve ever met any male strippers or other male sex workers, but they make a lot less money.
It just works so well!
Someone should mass print the most common tattoo shapes in temporary tattoos and hand them out at protests or sell them for cheap.
Seems like a great way of just poisoning a lot of data sets
Discord’s new mobile app is fucking unusable sometimes. Sometimes I just stuck with that add picture pop up and nothing I do will make it go away.
Not to mention that all of the controls disappear off the screen the second you don’t click on them so you can’t just mute yourself conveniently you have to tap the screen twice to bring up the icon to click so you can mute yourself but sometimes it doesn’t recognize when you click on the screen.
I’m just impressed with how unbelievably terrible that app has gotten. I didn’t even think about it before, It was just simple to use.
I’m a straight man from the middle of nowhere, and reading this sounds to me like we have not made any progress in accepting the variety of ways that humans develop or accepting the need to make space in society for everyone to feel like there is no need to hide. It really does seem like we are, at least in some ways, going backwards.
When I was 12 years old I saw a documentary on the Discovery channel about klinefelter’s syndrome. The program was 45 minutes long but it briefly touched on various ways that the “third gender” had been expressed and incorporated into cultures around the world.
In this simple program from before the conversation about gender and sexual identity became a political cudgel to dehumanize a growing number of social groups, they didn’t discuss the politics at all. It was just the science.
It wasn’t controversial for '90’s era documentaries to simply acknowledge that the brain is just a part of the body like any other organ and can experience the same if not more variation that all of the other organs do.
Instead, the program seemed hopeful about this burgeoning new science of the mind and its ability to help us illuminate something we have known about for eons.
10 years later I read an MIT magazine article that reference brain scans of different people trying to identify gender identity versus sexual identity. They didn’t have a whole lot of conclusions but they found seven different clusters of data in the gender identity tests.
That seems to me a pretty strong indication that nature has at least a few varieties of human beyond man and woman, and although the science is encouraging…
It really shouldn’t require proof of anything to inspire people to want to be kind to each other. I don’t know that science can solve this, so maybe we have to find the faith and the hope to help it along.
I completely agree that she should be using chartered resources. That alone dramatically reduces the amount of selfish waste involved in her jet setting.
If her presence in a public airport would cause a riot, then it seems like the law and security are ill-prepared to deal with her presence. That seems to indicate that she has inadequate security AND that law enforcement is not handling the crowd with the same sincerity they would any other kind of riot.
I think the disconnect between you and me comes from what we think the most important issues here are. I think in your estimation she is a security risk to the public in the form of ‘potentially inspiring a riot’ and that justifies (or even obligates) her use of private plane travel. Where in my estimation there is no ethical or moral use case for a publicly subsidized luxury not available to the public.
I think she’s morally obligated to opt out of a system that is immoral to begin with. I think she’s ethically required to speak out as an activist against this kind of luxury being publicly funded. I think she should be going out of her way to make sure that all of the public expense associated with her lifestyle is offset by her directly.
I don’t really think we disagree I think we just have different things that we think are important sources of criticism.
Union busting, lavish funding for genocide, corporate tax cuts, no healthcare plan, increased funding for police, pro-fracking, pro-drilling, 'tough on immigration ', etc etc