Looks to be more like heading up intentionally either to stall or to tack. That they’ve not got the headsail out suggests they’re trying to go slow.
Looks to be more like heading up intentionally either to stall or to tack. That they’ve not got the headsail out suggests they’re trying to go slow.
I need some vodka to deal with this
I use the washer and then let it sit wet over night to bring out its natural paprika seasoning.
You guys have to pay? I get paid to register my domains.
A measly $3.2b. Can hardly afford a new yacht with that!
What’s in vogue changes as the age demographic changes. Previously, it was spoons, now it’s 90s video games.
…as you age into your mediocrity…
I feel attacked.
“Could not fetch embedded watch page”
All good friend! tbh it looks a little like the sailboat was ‘shopped in. There’s something about it which doesn’t look quite right.